Page 110 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 110


          This particularly applies to                                        and before you know what’s
          size in a breed. So many of our                                     happened it becomes a
          breeds have, over the years,                                        celebrity. As such dogs are
          got bigger, maybe because         “When dogs with major             invariably photographed with
          of improved nutrition, and        faults – usually of the           their handler, those judges
          very gradually size has crept     ‘attractive’ kind – continue to   who base their decisions on
          up. As we only routinely          win and be bred from, newer       Facebook research (yes, it
          measure or weigh a handful        breeders will see no reason       happens!) contribute to its
          of breeds that have more          to correct and improve. Why       winning record and breeders
          than one variety determined       should they?”                     whose main goal is simply to
          by size this increase is barely                                     win consider using this dog
          noticed. However, when some       These dogs are winning. Those     at stud, thus the downward
          dedicated breeder puts in the     who own the “modern” dogs         spiral continues.
          ring a dog that is of absolutely   can usually talk the talk, and
          correct size in terms of its      provide convincing arguments      There is a further area of
          Breed Standard it is criticised   as to natural evolution and       concern where temperament
          by other exhibitors as being      obvious improvement. In           and character is concerned
          small. In truth, this is the      some cases strong-minded          and this applies particularly
          correct sized dog, it’s just      individuals can actually be       to the strong-willed working
          that the others are noticeably    instrumental in persuading        breeds that may be basically
          over size. At this juncture       breed clubs to change the         “hard” in temperament.
          the dedicated breeder who         breed standard to fit these       Whilst the show ring is no
          has always been intent on         new dogs … a heinous crime        place for vicious or aggressive
          maintaining type and simply       in anyone’s book. And then of     dogs there are certain breeds
          intensifying quality begins       course there is the power of      that, if they are to remain true
          to get, with good reason,         advertising!                      to type, need to maintain their
          frustrated. He knows what                                           guarding instincts and these
          he is breeding is correct, but                                      can still be shown effectively
          the numbers of those who                                            if they are properly under
          are drifting away from type                                         control. What is not desirable
          are such that other breeders,                                       is to have the basic character
          exhibitors and judges seem to     “Sadly, many of the breed         bred out of these breeds so
          be going with the flow, and he    changes we have witnessed         that they just become another
          is left swimming upstream.        are pleasing to the average       companion dog.
                                            eye – so what if a dog is too
          This has happened in several      necky, too hairy, too upright,    Although showing dogs
          breeds in Britain and beyond,     too short, too long? It looks     is today, in truth, more
          and I have seen many “old         pretty and the judges like        about chasing Challenge
          time” breeders reduce             the look!”                        Certificates, ribbons and
          their exhibiting activities       With the overwhelming             points than it is about
          dramatically, simply because      influence of social media, it     preserving breeds, the show
          they feel it is pointless         becomes all too easy for a        ring should remain the
          showing dogs under judges         dog that is fundamentally         breeders’ shop window. It
          who just don’t understand         untypical, lacking in several     would be sad to think that
          breed priorities. Yet these       essential breed points, to        genuine breeders who are
          are the very breeders who         be elevated to the status         keen to maintain true breed
          SHOULD have stock in the          of “stunning”. Beautifully        type could not find the dogs
          ring, so that those who do        photographed, impeccably          necessary to perpetuate
          have independent minds can        groomed, the “flat catcher”       correctness in the next
          see and appreciate it.            attracts countless “Likes”        generation.

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