Page 111 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 111



            How do we rein in
            exaggeration in our breed
            when it is attractive and wins
            in the show ring? How do we
            encourage breeders to return
            to “moderate”?

            Is breed evolution good or
            The reality of Aussie evolution
            Mr. Brace clearly outlined the
            process of breed “evolution”
            in this insightful article The
            Reason Why Dog Breeds
            Change. His words struck a
            chord in me because my breed,
            the Australian Shepherd, has
            changed significantly since
            I bought my first purebred
            Aussie in 1980. I created
            this e-book to show the
            changes in breed type from
            the 1970s until today. It was                          Cactus Bud, Spinner, Paiute, and Cholla at shows in 70´ by Twin Oaks
            a bit shocking even for me
            to see these photos side-by-
            side; breed evolution creeps        can win in the show ring,        Why does it matter that
            in slowly but surely over           herd livestock, and excel        Aussies stay true to their
            time. Those changes have not        at canine sports—they            original purpose?
            necessarily been for the better.    understand the need for          The traits of the Australian
                                                moderate breed type.             Shepherd breed were
            Aussies have evolved into
            three “camps”:                      Why does preserving              galvanized by more than a
                                                                                 century of dogs who worked
            There are Aussie fanciers           breed type matter?               hard in difficult conditions.
            who focus solely on winning         Simply put, dogs who do          The result was a moderate
            conformation shows. Other           not conform to the breed         dog who was supremely
            breeders focus primarily on         standard become just
            producing dogs with powerful        another generic show dog         athletic, intelligent, and
            herding instinct. There are         or generic herding dog. As       trainable. These are traits
            breeders in these “camps” that      a friend of mine remarked        that define the breed as
            lean toward exaggeration, be        when he saw a tiny toy dog       much as specific physical
            it too much or too little bone,     on a leash, “If you want a       qualities and are traits that
            coat, or head; others work          hamster, get a hamster!” If      should be preserved in every
            hard to preserve moderate           you want to breed Aussies,       generation. Without these
            breed type. There are also          they should look and             traits the breed will devolve
            people who breed Aussies that       behave like Aussies.             into just generic pretty dogs.

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  111
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