Page 78 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 78


          So what does this have to do with
          protecting the genetic diversity of
          all Merle breeds? The Mc allele is       Before moving on I’d like to address the terminology of
          the most common non-Expressing           “Double Merle”. This is technically not a genetic term.
          allele. As already mentioned the         We would never say “Double Tan Points” or “Double
          SINE insertion of Merle’s poly-A         Black”. The terminology in the past has not only been
          tail shortens more often to Mc           used to describe a dog who is M/M - homozygous for M,
          then to any other length and             but more so refers to the white that can be created by
          continues to shorten even from           the combination of two Merle alleles and the possibilities
          a length of Mc+. This has been           of hearing and/or vision impairments. With the new
          happening by way of mosaicism            understanding of the alleles that are dependent upon the
          since the Merle mutation first           length of the poly-A tail of the SINE insertion, questions
          occurred. We can presume that all        have arisen as to what constitutes a “Double Merle”. Or
          breeds who consistently breed for        more so, which combinations of two Merle alleles can
          the Merle trait have on average          delete pigment to white and therefore come with the
          38% of their phenotypically solid        risk of hearing and/or vision impairments? Out of the 28
          dogs having at least one Mc allele       possible Merle allele combinations there are 14 that have
          and a percentage having two.             the ability to delete pigment to white. Here is the list all
          We have always been breeding             14 grouped by the longest allele.
          with Mc involved; we just did not
          know it. The basic rule has been         •  Mc+/Ma+, Ma/Ma+, Ma+/Ma+
          to breed “Merle x Solid” in order        •  Mc+/M, Ma/M, Ma+/M, M/M
          to avoid any resulting “Double           •  m/Mh, Mc/Mh, Mc+/Mh, Ma/Mh, Ma+/Mh, M/Mh,
          Merle” offspring, which for the             Mh/Mh (the Mh allele can delete pigment even as
          most part has served breeders               heterozygous.)
          fairly well over the years.
                                                   We need to start redefining what we refer to as a Double

          There is however exceptions when         Merle (DM). Mc/Mc+ is not a DM dog; Mc+/Ma is not a
          a Merle x Solid breeding does not        DM; Ma/Ma is not DM. And most importantly Mc/M is not
          turn out as expected that I will         Double Merle as no pigment will be deleted to white.
          provide examples of later.

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