Page 80 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 80


          It is even more
          imperative in Europe            Example I
          that the Mc allele is
          understood completely
          as many registries and          Even if every Mc dog was removed from the breeding
          clubs do not allow the          population there would never be an end to the eradication.
          breeding or registering         Mosaicism is always happening. There is no way to stop
          of litters from a Merle         the natural shortening of any poly-A tail. With 18% of
          x Merle cross. This still       Merle dogs being mosaics and 55% of those dog having a
          includes Mc x M and             shortened Mc allele there is just no way to “get rid of” it.
          even Mc x Mc. Imagine
          the irreversible damage         The following EXAMPLE shows a blacktri dam Figgy who is
          that could be done to           phenotypically solid and producing offspring with “white body
          a closed gene pool by           splashes” when bred to an m/M - m/266 sire Royce. Testing
          restricting the breeding        confirmed that Figgy is not m/m but has a non-expressing
          of Mc dogs? A gene pool         Mc+ 240 bp allele. The combination of her Mc+ and the sire’s
          will get smaller when           M allele has resulted in 240/266 in the offspring Pirate which
          the number of gene              has deleted to pigment to white. Pirate is bilaterally deaf and
          variants decrease and           unilaterally vision impaired due to this Merle combination. This
          are lost due to dogs not        is the very important reason that the length for the Mc allele
          reproducing and passing         was set at 230 bp.
          their genetics on to
          future descendants.

          It is a travesty to remove
          a dog from a breeding
          program based solely
          on a result of Mc and
          totally unnecessary!
          The base pairs for the
          Mc allele were set              I sincerely hope that all this information will give breeders
          at 230 bp in order to           confidence when they receive an Mc 200 - 230 bp result back on a
          guarantee it will breed         phenotypically solid dog, knowing this dog can safely be bred to a
          the same as Non-Merle,          visible Merle. But I think we need to address one more important
          that no pigment will be         fact before moving on. Mc Does Not Lengthen to M.
          deleted to white when
          bred to M. I know that          In the past this type of information was based solely on phenotype
          “guarantee” is a strong         and the outdated method of testing, which could not provide
          word here and not               accurate base pair numbers and most importantly could not provide
          scientific in the least.        any possible mosaic results. In the example given of Astrid’s mosaic
          However in this case it         results there is a minor M allele present that was inherited from
          is a word I am confident        her dam. Astrid will breed as a Merle. But what if she had been
          using. The limit that was       tested using the old method? The result would have been Mc/Mc,
          placed on the Mc allele         there would have been no M allele included in her results. Since she
          could likely have been          expresses a Minimal Merle pattern and can produce Merle offspring,
          slightly higher, maybe          an assumption would be made that Mc can produce limited Merle
          even to 234 bp but I            areas on the body and will somehow lengthen to M and produce
          have seen examples of           Merle offspring. Any dog tested as Mc and producing Merle
          235 bp x M starting to          patterned offspring must have an M allele present.
          delete pigment.

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