Page 94 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 94


          Jack was followed by a red tri    on their feet I could choose if I   Simon Briggs has been the
          bitch Secret “Cloud Nine Can      wanted the blue merle or black    biggest help to me in regards
          Ewe Keep A Secret (Imp USA)”      tri one. For close to 4 weeks,    to presenting Australian
          bred by Bette Evans.              I couldn’t make a decision but    Shepherds, although he has
                                            in the end decided on the little   not been involved in the breed
          Shortly after I purchased         blue guy and Cooper “Bailiwick    in Australia, he has worked
          Secret, Kathy Sprigg offered      I’ve Got The Magic at Dapsen      alongside top handlers in
          me Willow “Mysql Strike A         (Imp USA)” became a reality.      Canada who had the Top
          Pose (AI) asking if I would like   Sadly due to covid and no        winning Aussies there for
          to finish off her championship    flights between the USA           some time. He taught the
          and have a litter from her.       and Australia Cooper didn’t       benefits of ensuring both
          Willow arrived and finished       arrive until he was almost 18     the shape and texture of a
          her championship in a matter      months old. Since arriving he     dog I am showing’s coat are
          of weeks and went BOS at          has finished his championship     important.
          a very large specialty under      and produced multiple group
          specialty breeder judge Paula     winning champions.                In regard to my breeding
          McDermid. In March 2019                                             mentors, I am very lucky to
          Willow had the first Dapsen       There isn’t really an Australian   have a super talented mum
          Australian Shepherd litter to     Shepherd breeder in Australia     who has successfully bred
          Gabriella Lovati’s Morrison       that I would say is or has        Cavaliers for thirty years.
          “Van Morrison Del Whymper         been a mentor. I have been        On top of that during my
          Delle G.Jorasses”.                exceptionally lucky to have       late teenage years I had the
                                            worked with many of the           opportunity to handle and
          In 2019 I feel in love with a     best breeders in the US who       work for Sue Huebner of
          predigree posted by Nancy         have been incredibly open         Cordmaker Hungarian Puli.
          Howard “Bailiwick” Aussies,       and honest and forthcoming        Sue was an exceptionally
          I messaged Nancy and asked        with information and happy        talented breeder and also
          if she would consider selling     to export dogs and semen          gave brilliant lecture on the
          a male puppy from the litter      to enable me to have had          Puli and many area of dog
          to Australia. When the litter     the litters I have. None of the   anatomy. I leant so much
          was born Nancy messaged me        dogs in my kennel would exist     from Sue in so many aspects
          saying there was two beautiful    without the dogs that Jillayne    of breeding, training and
          NBT boys and once they were       has organised for me.
                                                                              presenting dogs.

                                                                              Your kennel DAPSEN is
                                                                              home to Australia´s all
                                                                              breed BIS record holder –
                                                                              what do you like the most on
                                                                              dog shows?
                                                                              I feel truly blessed that my
                                                                              first Aussie has achieved
                                                                              what Jack has. Obviously,
                                                                              a lot of effort has been put
                                                                              into campaigning him but he
                                                                              is really the “ultimate show
                                                                              dog”, and will be such a hard
                                                                              act to follow. Having such a

                                                             Jack and sheep   great dog sets an incredibly
                                                                              high standard.

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