Page 103 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 103

In  the  1960s  and  1970s  the  docked-tail  option   Doing  your  homework,  doing  your  testing  and
            surfaced  as  there  was  empirical  “evidence”  that   being a concerned, nice person will not prevent you
            breeding natural bob tails to natural bob tails (NBT   from the realities and the heartbreak of breeding
            to  NBT)  might  produce  birth  deformities  such  as   dogs with defects or health issues.
            spina bifida (a shortening of the spine). To this day
            no clear scientific evidence or study proves this. As   It was not until the 1975 revision that the ASCA
            the empirical evidence suggests there are no known   breed standard leaves out the detailed explanation
            cases of a homozygous NBT (a living dog that carries   of  the  natural  bob  tail  in  the  breed.  ASCA’s
            both copies of the NBT gene), it is theorized that   guidance from and use of the AKC guidelines for
            NBT-to-NBT homozygous fetuses are absorbed in      writing breed standards (asking for brevity) came
            utero (potential for smaller litters). There remains   up  with,  “Tail is straight, not to exceed four (4)
            no  clear  and  scientific  evidence  or  proof  of  birth   inches, natural bobtail or docked.”
            defects directly related to NBT-to-NBT matings.
                                                               The  current  AKC  breed  standard  states,  “Tail is
            The  misunderstood  and  unfortunate  public  use   straight, docked or naturally bobbed, not to exceed
            of the genetic term “lethal,” used by scientists in   four inches in length.
            describing  the  NBT  gene,  has  caused  emotional
            responses internationally.  The common breeding    The FCI Standard says, “Straight, naturally long or
            practice of NBT-to-NBT breeding has been banned    naturally short. When docked (in countries where
            in  several  countries  and  by  individual  breed   this practice is not forbidden), or naturally short, not
            clubs,  thus  removing  a  key  characteristic  of  the   to exceed 10 cm.” This wording from the FCI version
            Australian Shepherd (and many other natural bob    unfortunately  illustrates  a  lack  of  understanding
            tail breeds as well). Keep in mind that the “merle”   about the breed and their tails…that the NBT can
            gene, also a hallmark of this breed, is also referred   come  in  all  varying  lengths.  This  wording  only
            to by geneticists as a “lethal” gene and thus is also   allows for an exhibit to have a full-length tail or a
            a target for elimination outside of the US for the   short tail, less than 10 cm. By definition and with
            same reasons. I consider both of these government   a clear understanding of how breed standards are
            regulated  bans  without  merit  and  deleterious  to   written, this wording faults an NBT dog with a tail
            the breed and its preservation and health.         that is longer than 10 cm and less than a full tail.
                                                               It is statements like this that cause great harm to
            Over the years, I have interviewed many foundation   a  breed  and  to  breeder’s  ability  to  preserve  and
            breeders (all of whom had over 50 years’ experience   protect  a  breed.  So  now  on  top  of  eliminating
            breeding quality and consistency over time).  They   docking,  the  FCI  has  effectively  penalized  natural
            all state that they have been breeding NBT to NBT   bob tail Aussies with a tail that is longer than 10 cm
            generationally with little or no defects. It remains   and shorter than full, even though this is a natural
            impossible to prove that any ensuing defects from   occurrence related to the NBT gene.
            an  NBT-to-NBT  breeding  were  the  result  of  the
            NBT gene. Three breeders noted that the one or two   It is understood that when government regulations
            instances (in 50 years) that they had deformative   are involved, there is not much that can be done
            issues were with very short-tailed NBT dogs being   after  the  bans  are  in  effect.  Most  current  breed
            bred  to  other  very  short  tailed  NBT  dogs.  They   standards have wisely added wording that allows
            made note of the issue and easily bred away from   judges  to  place  tailed  exhibits  in  their  rings  in
            it in the future with no further issues.           countries  that  have  tail  docking  bans  without
                                                               having revised the breed standard. This brings me
            If  your  only  goal  as  a  breeder  is  to  produce  a   to the next part of this article. How does a judge
            dog  with  no  defects,  may  I  suggest  that  this  is   and/or a breeder know what tail, tail set and tail
            unreasonable  and  unobtainable  as  nature  and   carriage is correct for the breed? How do you add a
            genetics are in control, not you. If you breed dogs   tail description to a breed that originated as natural
            long enough and often enough, you will produce     bob tail breed? That is quite a question and, there
            one of every defect. It is not intention, it is nature.   is no easy answer.

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