Page 104 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 104
The Process: Describing the Tail of a along the slope of the croup. The base of the tail
Natural Bob Tail Breed should not curve up or forward over the back. Tails
As tail docking bans appeared and then grew raised up and over the back are severely faulted.
outside of the US, the country of origin for the
Australian Shepherd, there were many errors Tail Set and Tail Carriage
made on the part of breed clubs and breeders. The It is equally important for breeders in countries that
general public should have been made aware that allow for tail docking and NBT-to-NBT breedings
the Aussie was developed as a natural bob tail to know that deciphering tail set and tail carriage
breed. Simply banning docking will not add a full on docked or NBT dogs provides valuable and
tail to a natural bob tail breed. Governing bodies, important and largely ignored information for
breeders and clubs should have been made aware a breeding program. Tail set and tail carriage
that when natural bob tail dogs are not docked that can be indicators of the structural soundness of
the tail comes in all variety of lengths, from very the hindquarters, providing key information for
short to just short of full. And governing bodies breeders and judges.
and breeds clubs operating in the best interest of
breed preservation should have presented well Unlike tailed breeds that rely on detailed and
researched observations on the tail set and the sometimes lengthy descriptions of tail style or
tail carriage of Australian Shepherds in countries type, what the tail is used for, and how it should
where tail docking bans exist. With tail docking be carried, it is likely that the primary items of
bans in effect for twenty years, breeders have importance when discussing a tailed Australian
complied with leaving tails on dogs without the Shepherd is the tail set and the tail carriage when
NBT gene, but with no direction and guidance as to in motion. To add a detailed description of the type
what is a proper tail for the breed, how it should be of tail, the length of the tail bone and tail antics or
carried and where it should be set onto the croup. expression become a moot if not impossible task
These are vital tools for breeders and likely should on a natural bob tail breed.
not have been ignored for such a length of time.
Harold R. Spira in his book,
Canine Terminology, defines
I am attempting to assist in correcting this breed the tail as “the final portion
education deficit. The process was lengthy and well of the spine. Composed
researched. Breeders were interviewed, literally of caudal or coccygeal
hundreds of photographs and illustrations reviewed, vertebrae, it commences at
other herding/pastoral group breed standards were the root (tail head, base,
studied in order to present a logical overview for butt) where it joins the
the tailed Australian Shepherd in countries where The tail is an sacral region near the
tail docking is banned. Any errors in the process or extension of end of the croup. The
the spine and
results are mine solely, however I feel confident that follows the junction of tail butt to
my conclusions are based on logic, canine anatomy natural line of croup is known as the set
the croup, not
and structure, the breed standard(s) and history, the pelvis set-on or insertion (tail set).”
and with the best interest of the breed topmost.
Regarding tail carriage Spira states, “the carriage
Australian Shepherd Tail Description of a tail is the results of the correct length and
Tail - historically a natural bob, docked for shortness angle of the croup, the correct tail set and length,
and uniformity. In countries with tail docking bans, changes in the direction of movement, and the
all tail lengths are equally acceptable. Tail is set mental attitude or disposition of the dog.” Tail
smoothly, as a continuation of the moderately carriage is only evaluated when a dog is moving.
(30%) sloping croup, neither high nor low. At rest,
tail hangs straight. Full tails may have a slight curve We are fortunate to have a clue as to what our tail
at the end. When moving, the tail at the base should set and carriage (in motion) should be by the angle
not rise above the level of the back but continue of the croup stated in our breed standards.
104 | A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 2/2023