Page 99 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 99

When I was asked by this magazine to write an article about tails, I was
            not initially enthusiastic. I did however give it much thought. I delved into
            some of my past educational materials and spent a significant amount

            of time researching the topic. One of the more surprising things I learned
            is that even those of us who do not live in countries with tail docking
            bans can learn something about our breed’s structure and movement

            from tail set and carriage, whether the tail is docked, full or a natural bob
            tail. While this topic can be emotionally charged and cause acrimonious

            discussions, I encourage you to keep an open mind.

            An article about is Aussie tails unique, and it is    “Tail: historically a natural bob breed, docked
            important to note that no conclusions presented       for shortness and uniformity. In countries with
            here can or will affect a dog being judged against    tail docking bans, all tail lengths are equally
            the  breed  standard  in  the  show  ring;  for  the   acceptable. Tail is set smoothly, as a conti-
            most part no breed standard currently contains        nuation of the moderately (30%) sloping
            this information–thus a dog cannot currently be       croup, neither high nor low. At rest, tail hangs
            held accountable for tail set and carriage.           straight. Full tails may have a slight curve at
                                                                  the end. When moving, the tail at the base
            After  reading  this  article,  some  of  you  may    should not rise above the level of the back
            find that your dog(s) may not have the correct        but continue along the slope of the croup. The
            tail set and carriage discussed in this article. I    base of the tail should not curve up or forward
            encourage  you  to  keep  an  open  mind.  When       over the back. Tails raised up and over the
            preserving a breed, it is important to be realistic   back when moving are severely faulted.”
            when  applying  the  breed  standard  to  one’s
            breeding program. There is not and never will
            be  any  perfect  dog.  This  does  not  mean  that   The  remainder  of  this  article  will  explore  how  I
            the Aussie in your home with a curled tail over    arrived at this description and why. The discussion
            the top of the back is to be any less loved or     has value for both natural bob tail and docked dogs.
                                                               The journey into our relatively brief breed history
            I would like to acknowledge the photographers      and development will assist in putting the topic
            that  offered  their  work  to  help  illustrate  this   of tails and the Australian Shepherd in context.
            article.  I  have  included  photos  of  dogs  with   Compared  to  breeds  that  have  a  known  and
            what appear to be correct tail set and carriage    documented  history  that  span  centuries,  the
            and  have  also  offered  photos,  based  on  my   Australian Shepherd is a relatively new member
            conclusions, whose tail set and carriage might     to  the  world  of  purebred  dogs.  Developed
            be flawed when compared to the breed history,      exclusively  by  ranchers  and  farmers  in  the
            form  and  function.  It  is  important  to  use  the   western  U.S.,  an  accurate  record  of  the  breed
            information presented here from an educational     development  remains  elusive  and  unverifiable.
            viewpoint.                                         We do not even definitively know how the breed
                                                               became  known  as  the  “Australian”  Shepherd,
            After  studying  this  topic  for  many  months,   even though several theories abound.
            discussing endlessly with other breed experts
            and  asking  input  from  many  all-round  judges   Beginning in the 1800s ranchers in the Western
            and breeders, this is my attempt at providing a    United  States  who  needed  dogs  to  work  and
            tail description for the Australian Shepherd:      fill  a  specific  chore  on  the  ranch  quickly  were

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