Page 18 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 18


            7 Alleles on the M Locus
            Setting the borders for the new Merle alleles    #1 - which combinations of alleles can express
            was  an  immense  task  that  came  with  an     with a Merle pattern?
            immense responsibility. Merle’s poly-A tail is   #2 - how crisp and clear will that pattern be?
            a “continuum” from 200 - 280 base pairs. The     #3 - which combinations of alleles can delete
            word continuum is defined as “a whole with       pigment to white within the Merle pattern, and
            no part of which is noticeably different from its   therefore come with the risk of hearing and/or
            adjacent parts, although the ends or extremes    vision impairments?
            of  it  are  very  different  from  each  other.  It  is
            without stop, without a break or interruption.”
            So  how  and  why  have  the  base  pairs  been
            broken  down  into  different  bins  and  named
            as  separate  alleles?  This  was  done  in  order
            to address the three most important concerns
            that many breeders have.


           the Mysteries

                 of Merle

           18  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023
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