Page 20 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 20


         Some of the most
         exciting test results

         which explained so many

         previously unexplained
         irregularities we often see

         in some Merle patterns and

         differences in phenotype from                                                              FIRE
         parent to offspring, were the

         mosaic results.

          These  are  important  distinctions  for  a  breeder   as  well  as  when  paired  with  a  different  length
          who  strives  to  produce  Merle  patterns  that   allele. There are 28 possible combinations from
          fall  within  the  given  guidelines  of  many  breed   7  alleles.  14  of  those  combinations  can  delete
          standards. There is also the issue of not wanting   pigment to white. In this article I cannot include
          to produce “Double Merle” offspring in a resulting   examples of all combinations so will concentrate
          litter. Breeders not only need to know the most    on the examples that provide answers to unusual
          typical  phenotype  expression  for  a  given  allele   phenotypes
          and  their  combinations;  but  also  how  that  dog
          will breed, what patterned offspring this dog can
          produce  when  paired  with  the  alleles  from  the   m    Non-Merle           Wild Type
          mate. These are the most essential questions and   Mc       Cryptic Merle       200 - 230 bp
          the alleles of m, Mc, Mc+, Ma, Ma+, M and Mh       Mc+      Cryptic Merle+      231 - 246 bp
          provide those answers.
                                                             Ma       Atypical Merle      247 - 254 bp
          The Merle trait is an “incomplete dominant”, one   Ma+      Atypical Merle+     255 - 264 bp
          allele  does  not  completely  dominate  another.
          Depending on which 2 alleles are inherited, it can   M      Merle               265 - 268 bp
          create an intermediate expression or a completely   Mh      Harlequin Merle     269 - 280 bp
          distinct pattern. When the base pair numbers were
          set for each allele it was not just a matter of looking   We can assume that Mh - Harlequin Merle is the
          at the phenotype of each allele as heterozygous,   original ancestrally allele as it is the longest. So
          each length had to be looked at as homozygous,     here have all the other allele lengths come from?

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