Page 41 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 41

may look promising at 8 weeks and not grow to that     What is the best example of the breed you
            potential. Then there are the ones we redeem to be     have bred so far and why?
            a companion puppies they grow change and become        My  thoughts  go  to  two  dogs  Rowan  and
            way more than we expected from the age of 8 weeks!     Junior both outstanding dogs in conformation,
                                                                   Stamina  and  intelligence.  Rowan  was  the
            It is never 10O percent evaluation on a puppy. But     Showman and Junior the Gentleman. They
            we must continue to breed towards our standard         both  moved  in  the  ring  with  grace  and
            to produce the best Australian Shepherds possible.     confidence.  Winning  some  of  the  more
            Growing your puppies out to watch them and help        memorable wins in our breed History. Both
            them get to that hopeful next champion, Agility or     outstanding producers. They will always be
            herding title is the best any breeder can do.          an  important  part  of  Australian  Shepherd

            And when you recommend let a male stud?
            My heart dog Rowan after years of being shown was      As long time breeder – what do you think
            not bred to a female till he was 5 years old. There was   about DNA tests?
            a lot of pressure for me to bred him at an early age   I think this is helpful in keeping in line with our
            but I decided against it. I want to make sure he stayed   breed parentage and keeping out lines pure.
            healthy and no signs of epilepsy etc. before breeding.    Testing for different health issues is important
            This was my decision and my choice for peace of mind   to keep our dogs health at the forefront.
            when I did bred him out. Then he became part of the
            history of Australian Shepherds.
                                                                   Are they helpful?

            This is not to say that you should ever wait that long   Yes they are!
            to bred your males. It’s wise to wait till he has matured
            and health test are done. Is important for his mind to   Wasn't earlier time easier to make a good
            be more mature also.  I think on your more promising   couple for a litter?
            males prelims on hips / elbows should be done. This    I think with all the technology we have today is
            way we can know that he can continue his goals in      a much easier time to bring in good genetics to
            the ring or working.                                   our pedigrees.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  41
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