Page 42 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 42


          Have you ever heard about a Merle Silv Sine        In your breeding program is it important for you
          panel – is it important for you to know is solid   what length of tail partners have? I mean have
          Aussie has any length of merle?                    you ever bred two NBT together? If yes, were
          Yes  knowing  your  panel  results  on  color  is   any problems from this cross?
          important as we know breeding Merle to Merle       Yes  it  is  important  to  know  tail  length.  Yes  not
          can  cause  extra  genetic  problems  that  is  not   knowing we have bred NBT to NBT but as far as
          always the best for your puppies.                  issues we had none in the litter.

          What do you think about merle x merle              Is there anything you would like to add?
          breeding? Now I mean typical merle (not solid      Being  a  Breeder  is  not  an  easy  thing  it  takes
          dog with Mc result from DNA test with merle        dedication,  patience  and  heart.  Lots  of  ups  and
          partner).                                          downs lots of heartache. But it’s worth it to see
          Merle to Merle is something a lot of people still   that new champion or see your dog herd livestock
          do  and  we  see  it  a  lot  in  other  breeds  like  the   or going over that jump, doing what they love. Just
          Catahoula  breed.  But  I’m  not  a  fan  and  have   watching that family drive away with the promise
          personally seen the damaging results of blindness   of a new family member is worth everything!
          and deaf puppies cause by the breeding. I prefer
          solid to Merle breeding.                           On  behalf  of  the  Australian  Shepherd  Magazine
                                                             and our readers, we would like to thank you for
          My thoughts in this would be a no if test results   this wonderful interview and also for everything
          were know. But there are a-lot of breeders that    you do for this amazing breed.
          don’t know about or have done the testing and
          these breedings take place.
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           42  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023
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