Page 58 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 58


          remembering one day I was watering outside.  I left   We trained for agility as soon as he was old enough.
          the water on while I came into the house for a drink.    And on stock when he was close to a year.
          I came out of the kitchen to find Chance had drugo
          the hose into the house and was shaking the hose.    After he finished his Championships in ASCA at
          He was still under a year old, and very playful!    15 months and AKC at 18 months we took a break
                                                             from the breed ring and for the next 2 to 3 years
          I think he was about 4 months old. I took him to   and we continued to train and then competing.
          a Christmas parade with lots of friends with their   At about 3 yrs old we started competing again
          dogs.  We tethered him to an older dependable      intermittily  for  about  year,  then  went  out  to
          Aussie.  I walked by his side. He so enjoyed the   compete on the circuit for 2 years.
          bands  and  all  the  commotion  of  a  Christmas
          parade.  Ok and last one.  In NYC, across the street   2005  was  so  successful  year  –  We  were  at
          from Madison Square Garden.  The streets are icy   Westminster  show  and  Chance  not  only  won
          and snowy. I had Chance on a flexi so he could find   Best of Breed for the Aussies but he got a Group
          a place to potty.  Well the street had been snow   2 placing which was the highest an Aussie has
          plowed so there were high mounds of ice/snow       ever been placed at the Garden! What a guy! His
          packed at least 10 to 15 feet high.  As we walked   handler, Karen, is also the owner of Fame, the
          he started running.  He was aimed for the top of one   Great  Pyrenees  who  also  made  Westminster
          of those mounds.  Climbed up no problem, turned    history by being the first Pyr to win the Working
          his head away from us and well did his thing.      Group ever. Later he became Nr Aussie of the
                                                             year. Next year we decided flight to Europe to
                                                             famous Cruft´s show and he made a history there.
                                                             Only one Aussie won BEST IN SHOW title on this
                                                             prestige show! What a day.

                                                             He passed on his enthusiasm for life, his athleticism,
                                                             his confidence to his kids and grandkids.

                                                             Chance was and still is my Once in a lifetime Dog.
                                                             With love, Nancy

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