Page 56 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 56



              Chance –

                       always smiling


                                                             After raising Australian Catte dogs for 30 years I
                                                             ended up purchasing my first Australian Shepherd
                                                             from Cathy Bishop. "Chance" came to live with me
                                                             at 9 weeks old. I had talked with his breeder Cathy
                                                             Bishop at length about what I wanted in a pup. I
                                                             wanted to get my feet wet in conformation, agility
                                                             and stock work. Being my first show dog structure
                                                             and work ability were both important to me.
              BIS BISS AKC/ASCA Ch Caitland Isle
              Take A Chance STDs AX AXJ RS-E JS-E            As I walked through the airport, Chance was in a
              GS-E TDI  /2000-2012/                          sherpa hanging over my shoulder.  Many would
              2006 CRUFTS BEST IN SHOW                       see him and would ask to pet him. Finally I opened    Text written & Photographs provided by: Nancy Resetar, Chances' R aussies
              2005 USASA BEST IN SHOW                        the zipper just enough so he could have his head
              SPECIALTY                                      out, then more kids would come to see him.
              2006 BOB & Group 2 Westminster                 He was not fazed by the noises, having hundreds
              Kennel Club                                    of people walking around, kids running up to him.
              2005 BOB & Group 2 Westminster                 He was very confidential even at that age. I could
              Kennel Club                                    tell even then he was in his glory.  He continued
              10 All Breed Best in Shows                     to live his life unafraid, friendly, living a life full of
              50 Group 1's                                   enthusiasm, willing to do anything, go anywhere
              #1 Australian Shepherd 2005                    with tons of energy every minute.
              #1 Herding Group 2005
              #8 All Breed 2005                              I remember the first time I flew with Chance to
              #3 Australian Shepherd 2004                    WKC in NY.  I was so afraid that he would not like
              # 21 Herding Group 2004                        flying.  I remember opening his crate, him flying
              4 Premier Awards ASCA Nationals                out not missing a beat as if he was saying, “ok,
              At 3 months Chance won ASCA BOB                what are we going to do now.”
              puppy 3 times in a weekend.
              He achieved an ASCA HOF Sire                   He  put  his  all  into  everything  he  did,  never
              with 1 litter, only needing 1 point from       holding back.  He was fast and very athletic. We
              the 2nd litter.                                trained for agility, stock, Obedience, tracking and
                                                             he was also certified to go into rest homes to visit
                                                             elderly.  I remember we were walking out of a

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