Page 57 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 57

facility, ahead of us was a woman asleep in her    it in his mouth wanting to talk to someone.
            wheelchair.   As we walked by Chance grabbed
            her a stuffed animal off her lap. I laughed so hard,   He loved to train, never sulking or saying no I don't
            and then put it back on her lap.                   want to do this.  He had more stamina, energy
                                                               and drive than any other dog I have ever had.  I
            He was so fun and made me laugh.                   remember when he got on the bed at night he
                                                               would lay down and take a deep breath and go to
            My sister, his Auntie, gave him a small phone for   sleep.  It was that deep breath was telling me he’s
            a present.  We called it "talk."  He knew most of   done for the day.  I remember packing a suitcase
            his toys' names.  So when my sister and I were on   and I turned around and he was laying in it. Next
            the phone together I would put it on speaker and   time he would take my socks out and run down
            tell him to talk and he would go get his talk and   the hall.
            listen to what she was saying. Can't even blame
            Chance for destroying the old BB phone, as he      So many fun stories….
            loves to talk on them and takes mine whenever
            he gets the opportunity and walks around with      These are side stories I was reminded of today

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  57
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