Page 92 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 92


          In a dog terminology Agility is a sport for you    Agility can be practiced with all kinds of dogs, no
          and your dog. Like any sport, also agility can be   matter what the size. It doesn’t matter if your dog
          trained and competed at different levels. It can   is a puppy or adult – contrary to common belief,
          be a nice shared hobby for you and your dog in     old dogs can learn new tricks! Your dog must be
          your free time or you can compete more seriously   healthy and in a good physical condition as dog
          at top-level international competitions – still not   agility is physically demanding, especially for the
          forgetting having fun! Aussies are great in it – may   dog. You need to focus on muscle care including
          be not the fastest dog breed, but for sure happy to   warm-ups and cool-downs to avoid injuries.
          spend time with his owner.
                                                             Agility competition courses include about twenty
          HISTORY                                            different obstacles: jumps, tunnels, weave poles
          Agility is a dog sport, where the dog is handled   and contact obstacles the dog scrambles over.
          through  an  obstacle  course.  The  roots  of  the   During the course the handler cannot touch the
          sport  go  back  to  1970  England,  when  it  was   dog, nor the obstacles. The goal is to complete
          created  as  a  demonstration  sport.  In  advance   the course without faults and as fast as possible.
          of  the  1978  Crufts  annual  show,  as  part  of   Similar to showjumping, you can get faults if your
          the  show  committee,  John  Varley  was  tasked   dog  drops  a  bar  when  jumping,  refuses  to  go
          to  create  an  event  that  would  entertain  the   to the obstacle or misses the contact zone. The
          audience  between  existing  conformation  and     course is about 140-200 meters long and dogs
          obedience  segments  of  the  show.  John  Varley   can run up to five m/s. The surface may be grass,
          collaborated with Peter Meanwell to create the     dirt, rubber, or special matting.
          first dog agility demonstration. The 1978 Crufts
          agility demonstration was broadcast on Belgian     Dogs are divided into different groups by size and
          television and a recording can be viewed below.    their experience in competitions. The regulations
          Varley,  who  narrates  the  competition,  starts   for dividing the dogs in different groups vary by
          by explaining that his goal with the creation of   country. In Europe the levels are defined by the
          this event was to “bring some fun into the more    FCI definitions, which include skill levels from 1
          serious side of Crufts … it has been designed to   to 3 and size levels from 1 to 3 (small, medium
          test a dog’s ability over a number of obstacles and   and large). Competing in agility is popular; it is a
          against the clock.” The competition starts with an   nice way to spend time with your dog and your
          Alsatian Shepherd (or, as we would call them, a    fellow dog-owners. Many countries have regular
          German Shepherd Dog) and then several Border       agility  competitions,  even  at  most  weekends.
          Collies complete.                                  Internationally,  the  top  competitions  are  the
                                                             World Championships and the European Open.
          This first agility course was similar to our modern   Hundreds  of  top  teams  participate  in  these
          agility  courses  with  tunnels,  the  now-retired   strict and challenging competitions and the time
          collapsed  tunnel,  a  frame  and  jump  (including   differences  are  measured  in  hundredths  of  a
          one made from a literal tire), and a catwalk, which   second.
          Varley noted in the footage should perhaps be
          renamed a dogwalk—and, of course, it ultimately    At its best, dog agility is a seamless cooperation
          was. Initially they only had one jump and it was very   between dog and handler – it appears that they
          high. After the success and popularity of the 1978   are  one.  From  the  outside  it  looks  easy!  The
          demonstration, agility returned to Crufts in 1979   connection of being “OneMinded” is also the core
          and, in 1980, The Kennel Club (the official kennel   of the OneMind Dogs method. The dog is directed
          club of the United Kingdom) officially recognized   to the correct running lines by the handler using
          dog agility as a sport and began sanctioning trials.   the  right  body  language.  The  dog  follows  the
          The new, fast sport immediately took off and within   following  seven  essential  elements:  handler's
          a couple of years it was given official dog sport   movement, position, eyes, chest, feet, arms and
          status in the UK. Nowadays, agility is one of the   vocal commands. After you understand how the
          most popular dog sports around the world.          dog naturally reacts to these elements, and you

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