Page 88 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 88


          hands should make the puppy gasp. Gravity will     mother and her litter should be examined by a
          help the fluid and mucus to flow out of the lungs.   veterinarian within 24 hours after the delivery
          This  process  may  be  tried  several  times  until   is completed. This visit is to check the mother
          the lungs sound clear. The tongue is a reliable    for complete delivery and to check the newborn
          indicator of successful respiration. If the puppy   puppies. The mother may receive an injection to
          is getting adequate oxygen, it will appear pink to   contract the uterus and stimulate milk production.
          red. A bluish colored tongue indicates insufficient   The mother will have a bloody vaginal discharge
          oxygen to the lungs, signaling that the swinging   for 3-7 days following delivery. If it continues for
          procedure should be repeated.                      longer than one week, she should be examined by
                                                             a veterinarian for possible problems.
          Once delivery is completed, the soiled newspapers
          should be removed from the whelping box. The       I  have  seen  many  different  dog  breeds  labour
          box should be lined with soft bedding prior to     (Shih  Tzu,  German  Shepherd,  Beagle,  Chinese
          the puppies' return. The mother should accept      Crested dog etc.) but must say, Aussies are my
          the puppies readily and recline for nursing. The   favourite  breed!  Mothers  are  so  natural,  every
                                                             labour is very exciting because you never know
                                                             what colour combination or what length of tail
                                                             you will get. In our breeding we have had only
                                                             one single puppy in the litter and also we have
                                                             got 12 healthy puppies in one litter. In both cases
                                                             mothers were amazing, no need our assistance
         The mother and her                                  or extra puppy feeding in huge litter. From 23
         litter should be examined by                        litters we had so far, only once we had to go to

         a veterinarian within 24 hours                      the vet for C-section (last puppy stacked in the
                                                             bitch), but every female is different and also every
         after the delivery is completed.                    puppy delivery is different. Try to read and study

         This visit is to check the mother                   a lot before you decided to have own litter. We
                                                             (breeders) are responsible for new life we decided
         for complete delivery and to                        to make. Please, if you are not sure what to do,
         check the newborn puppies.                          just contact your vet. Wish you good luck with
                                                             your breeding.

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