Page 94 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 94


          The ACE program offers two divisions; Standard     S (Small) for dogs measuring less than 35 cm
          and Senior Dog for dogs 7 years and older. In each   at the withers. M (Medium) for dogs measuring
          program, there are three titling classes; Regular,   35  cm  or  more  and  less  than  43  cm  at  the
          Jumpers, and Gamblers and three levels offered;    withers. I (Intermediate) for dogs measuring 43
          Novice,  Open,  and  Elite  for  each  class.  A  dog   cm or more and less than 48 cm at the withers.
          may  begin  earning  points  toward  their  ATCH   L (Large) for dogs measuring 48 cm or more at
          certificate as soon as they have completed the     the withers. Dogs can only enter one category.
          Elite  certification  requirements  for  any  class,   It is recommended that the height of the dogs
          without first having completed the requirements    competing in ‘S’, ‘M’ and ‘I’ is registered in the
          for all three (3) classes. If a dog has completed   record book or license. An FCI-NCO approved
          the requirements for their Elite Agility Certificate,   agility judge who signs the entry in the record
          then any subsequent qualifying rounds would be     book can measure the dogs.
          accumulated towards the requirements for their
          ATCH. That same dog may not have completed         The winner, with a clear round, of the FCI grade
          all  of  the  requirements  for  their  Elite  Jumpers   2 or grade 3 competition (grade 2 only in those
          Certificate or their Elite Gamblers Certificate before   countries  which  do  not  have  competitions
          accumulating  ATCH  points  for  their  qualifying   in  grade  3),  in  each  category  (S-M-L)  in  an
          rounds in the Regular Class (Elite level). In 2022   International  Agility  Competition,  will  be
          there were 35 Aussies with ATCH! Great job!        awarded a "CACIAG" (Certificat d'Aptitude au
                                                             Championnat International d’Agility). Are eligible
          FCI                                                to  apply  for  the  title  of  "International  Agility
          The main purpose of the FCI agility regulations is   Champion" (S-M-L) any dog registered with a
          to set a standard for FCI international competitions   stud book recognized by the FCI which will have
          and to serve as a basis for FCI international judging   earned:  2  CACIAG  in  two  different  countries
          guidelines and equipment standards. FCI NCOs       under 2 different judges over a minimum period
          should use them as a basis for developing their    of one year and one day; At least the grading
          own regulations, differing only to accommodate     "Good" in a show sanctioned by the FCI. Every
          local needs. FCI agility regulations and guidelines   country will propose to the FCI its candidates
          must be applied in FCI events and international    for the title of International Agility Champion
          events.                                            and will provide the relevant documents. Agility
                                                             World Championships of the FCI is in the Czech
          In FCI international competitions, four categories   Republic,  October  this  year.  More  on  website

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