Page 93 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 93

was (or still is) your mentor?     Hightide Hit The Jackpot (Imp     the dogs in her team of dogs
            Where does your first Aussie       USA)”, his show career has        was Memo “Hearthside Leave
            come from?                         been phenomenal, but more         A Message” who was being

            I am definitely new to breeding    importantly he is the most        shown as a Veteran and in
            the Australian Shepherd, and       beautifully tempered dog.         the sire and progeny class.
            absolutely have a lot more to      He was bred by Brenda and         In the Sire class he was with
            learn about this breed but do      Michael Moore and organised       some stunning daughters, one
            hope that I can use the many       for me by Jillayne Parnell (was   being Brenda’s stunning Ching
                                                                                 “Emptynest It’s Not About The
            lessons I have learnt from                                           Money”, I asked then and there
            breeding Cavaliers.                The history of how Jack came      if I could steal her and Brenda
                                               about is I met Jillayne at        joked “No, but I am about to
            The first Aussies that I had       the 2016 USASA Specialty          breed her and you can have a
            and campaigned were bred           as one of the Aussies I had       puppy”. That national I made
            and owned by Kathy Sprigg          handled in Australia was a        some life long friends and a
            of “Mysql” and Hayley and          son of her amazing red tri        few months later I got some
            Timothy Lamb of “Borderton         boy Striker (who is also Jack’s   photos of a blue puppy (I had
            Kennels”.                          sire). Jillayne had a beautiful   originally ordered a black tri
                                               team of dogs and I was lucky      male) and was just blown
            The first Aussie I purchased       enough that I was invited by      away by him. Mike and Brenda
            that I truly considered “mine”     her to help prepare her team      had nicknamed him “Aimee’s
            was Jack “Regal Reign              during this national. One of      boy” and that he became.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024  |  93
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