Page 108 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 108

An Interview with a judge



                                                   Name: Inga Cerbule
                                                   Country: Riga, Latvia
                                                   Kennel: Sentikki

          Inga is a long-time breeder of Aussies and a FCI International
          Judge since 2017, she is qualified to judge FCI Group 1.

          Dear  Inga,  thank  you  for  taking  the  time  to   How it was possible that I never walked up to
          provide  us  with  an  interview  and  answering   the wrong dog and never got hurt? Some of my
          our questions. I know you have shown and bred      guard dog friends would run to my house and
          Australian Shepherds since 1994, and you were      look for me whenever they got loose. I have no
          also the first person who imported Australian      idea how they found me, but they did. I would
          Shepherds to the Baltic States. Please introduce   be walking to the food store, hand in hand with
          yourself closer to our readers.                    my mom, and we would suddenly be ambushed
          I have always loved dogs; I cannot explain why, I   by a whirlwind of a large and happy dog, part of
          just did. It is one of my earliest memories, as far   the chain still swinging from the neck. I would be
          back as I can remember myself. I was interested    delighted, and my mother horrified. My favourite,
          to the point that it was probably unsafe. When     a bright red medium-sized shaggy dog named             Photographs provided by: Inga Cerbule, Sentikki
          I was little, we did not have a dog at home, and   Sharik, had once gone on thin ice in the village
          I always longed for one. So, I would walk up       pond and the ice broke, and he fell in. I found
          to chained guard dogs and make friends with        him fighting in the water, trying to get out, but
          them. I never once got bit. Thinking back now,     the ice kept breaking. I got my elder brother and
          it seems unreal. I wonder how nobody might         together we got Sharik out of the pond. It was
          have  stopped  me;  nobody  told  my  parents.     freezing temperatures and I knew I couldn’t just

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