Page 112 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 112

An Interview with a judge

          Since first meeting Temba, I started noticing this   first Australian Shepherd of my own, and he was
          type  of  dog  more  and  more  often.  I  found  out   wonderful, he did everything I asked him to, and
          the original parent club of the breed, Australian   he did it well and fast. He came to Latvia in the
          Shepherd  Club  of  America  (ASCA)  was           summer of 1994, at the age of 6 months, and he
          established in 1957. The American Kennel Club      was the first Australian Shepherd in the Baltic
          (AKC)  recognised  the  Australian  Shepherd  in   States.  At  that  time,  there  were  already  some
          1991. At the time I was interested in Rhodesian    Australian Shepherds in Finland and Sweden. As
          Ridgebacks, loving the looks but gradually starting   a young dog, Rikki and I won our first-ever Best in
          to  realise  that  these  dogs  were  independent,   Show. He passed the obedience exam with flying
          bred  to  do  their  own  job  without  much  input   colours. He was my daughter’s best friend. He
          from people, and ultimately not really what I was   could do anything.
          looking for. I wanted a different mindset. I wanted
          a dog that would be intensely devoted and would    It was ironic that now, like with Temba, I was in the
          prefer to stay with me not because I was holding   reverse position of having other people question
          on to the leash, but because the dog wanted to     whether my Rikki was a real breed. People would
          stay close. I wanted a dog that would love to come   stop me on the street and ask what kind of dog he
          when called and love to play fetch.                was and offer me their guesses as to what breeds
                                                             produced this “mix”. One man was adamant that
          Meanwhile, my in-laws lost their beloved family    Rikki was the cross between a Rottweiler and
          companion. He was a medium sized mixed breed       Chow Chow. He liked his own idea so much that
          dog, the ideal farm dog, lived a long active life   my  objections  did  not  seem  to  matter.  I  have
          killing groundhogs and other vermin, and died of   always loved dog shows, and there were of course
          old age. My mother-in-law asked me to get her      some misunderstandings at shows, too. One judge
          a new puppy, raise him and train him for a few     measured Rikki and disqualified him because he
          months, and then bring him to the family farm.     was 55 cm in the withers (the correct size for
          But, she said, it must not be a fru-fru show dog.   an Australian Shepherd male). I was clueless at
          We need a farm dog, she said. The dog needs        the time, quietly gathered my things and left the
          to be tough and smart, she said. I remembered      show. Only years later did I realise that I could
          Temba and knew just what kind of dog to look for.   have questioned the judge’s mistake. In any case,
          A few weeks later I brought home a blue merle      I was so in love with my dog and so sure of his
          male, a puppy to raise for my mother-in-law. Very   wonderful qualities in every possible way that the
          soon I realised that this was it. I had found THE   judge’s mistake did not sadden me. I knew I had
          DOG for me. He wanted to come when called.         a lovely dog, and I knew the judge’s decision was
          He played fetch from Day One. But we already       his mistake, his shortcoming, not my dog’s. There
          had a Ridgeback at home, both my husband and       was another time when I was proudly standing
          I working full time, planning to enter Graduate    in the Group ring with Rikki. The judge pointed
          School. Another dog was out of the question. At    at me and said, Sheltie, Third! I was glad to be
          the agreed time, I gave the Aussie puppy to my     Group 3, but I said – He is not a Sheltie. The judge
          in-laws and thought that my heart would break.     answered, Regardless, Third!
          Some years later when returning from USA to
          Latvia, I knew I was not leaving America without   Those  first  few  years  showing  Rikki  were
          an Australian Shepherd. It was time.               interesting.  He  was  usually  the  only  one,  and
                                                             therefore first. I did not have a real understanding
          I found breeder Diane Peters in Ohio, Linerider    of how he would measure up to other Aussies,
          kennel. Diane took the time to listen to a newbie   because there were never any. At Group level,
          and let me choose a puppy male out of 2 litters.   we sometimes won because we were unique and
          After seeing Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies, the      interesting, and sometimes we lost because we
          Aussies at age 3-4 weeks seemed to me small        were unique and interesting, and the judge just
          and  light  like  little  birds.  I  chose  a  blue  merle   was not sure. After a while, it felt really lonely.
          male, Lineriders Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Rikki was the   The titles and Championships came easily – first

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