Page 113 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 113

out of one! - but nobody cared much if I lost or
            won. I was alone. And so, when another family
            imported  a  couple  of  Aussies  from  Finland  to
            Latvia, I was overjoyed! We had colleagues! We
            had competition! We were finally, here in Latvia, a
            real breed! To get the Australian Shepherd breed
            recognition on the street in Latvia took me about
            10-15 years.

            A  couple  of  years  after  Rikki  we  imported  an
            Australian  Shepherd  bitch,  Propwash  Catera,
            call name Senga. I wanted a red merle, and so
            my husband and I visited a few kennels in the
            USA looking for a red merle bitch. I was offered
            some really nice adult black tris, but no, I wanted
            red merle. A fellow breeder told me that Leslie
            B. Frank at Propwash kennel had a puppy bitch
            that “might” be for sale… To Propwash Kennel in
            New Hampshire, we went. We spent an afternoon
            talking  dogs.  Leslie  was  unsure  whether  she
            wanted to sell us the puppy or not, and we parted
            that day without an agreement. I persisted and
            kept calling Leslie once a month, and asking about
            the puppy. Finally, we agreed, thanks to, in part, a
                                                               Breed. My Rikki was 2nd best male. I was in heaven.
            Leslie’s husband was a retired pilot and he was    I finally did find out how my dogs compared. It was
            interested  in  Russian  helicopters.  My  husband   a great happiness and also a relief to see about
            thought  he  had  contacts  that  could  help  Mr   65 Australian Shepherds entered for World Dog
            Frank with information. And so, a few months       Show in Helsinki. I finally had competition. Finally
            later over the phone, we reached an agreement.     had colleagues in the breed. I was no longer alone.
            I was to get my red merle puppy bitch, and Mr      I still have dear friends that I first met in Helsinki,
            Frank was possibly to get a helicopter. It seems   in Summer of 1998.
            totally absurd today, but back then in the 1990’s
            it seemed reasonable to promise a helicopter for a   I shall always be grateful to Diane Peters (Linerider)
            puppy. Thankfully for all involved, the puppy deal   and  Leslie  Frank  (Propwash)  for  my  first  two
            did happen, and the helicopter deal did not.       Australian Shepherds. My kennel name SENTIKKI
            I  realise  now  how  fortunate  I  was  to  find  a   comes from the call names of my first two Aussies,
            wonderful bitch for a trivial reason – I was looking   Senga and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. A few years after I
            for red merle. Propwash Catera “Senga” was a       bought Rikki, Diane Peters stopped breeding, and
            world-class  bitch,  literally.  She  had  wonderful   we kept in touch for a long time. With Leslie we
            movement with powerful reach and drive, a lovely   have happily continued cooperation to this day.
            head with the correct almond-shaped eye and
            correct high-set ears. She won numerous Groups     Why  did  you  choose  to  become  a  judge  and
            and Specialty Shows.                               when did you start your judging career? Was
                                                               it difficult to qualify to become a judge in your
            At the World Dog Show 1998 in Helsinki, Senga      country and how long did it take?
            won Best Opposite and the title of World Winner    I first qualified as a FCI judge in 2017. The process
            1998. Richard Hellman’s lovely blue merle male,    was long and I would say difficult, it took a lot
            CH Sundew Blazing Star Lite, Blaze, won Best of    of time and effort. The hardest part for me was

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