Page 111 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 111

nature versus nurture. Science today knows that    the car hood. The beach off-season regulars knew
            it’s both. Dog people should catch up, too. Today   who walked with many dogs and many leashes,
            when beginners declare “it’s all in how you raise   and which car to place it on.
            them”, I have to laugh. Or cry, depending on the
            situation. Jasper and I both found out: how you    When  did  you  first  get  introduced  to  the
            raise them is only a part of the story.            Australian Shepherd?
                                                               I saw my first Australian Shepherd in the USA, in
            Today we live with my husband in the Latvian       the early 1990’s. It was not love at first sight.
            countryside,  some  60  km  from  Riga.  I  am  a
            country person through and through. I love the     I lived in the United States at the time and worked
            countryside,  wide  open  spaces.  I  love  country   as  a  dog  obedience  trainer  at  a  small  private
            people, warm and genuine and without pretences.    company. One late evening in the early 1990’s,
            I  love  the  Baltic  Sea,  walking  there  with  my   in walked a medium sized black bitch with her
            dogs. We live some 15 km from the seashore,        owners,  to  stay  at  the  boarding  kennel.  That
            wide sandy beaches. The beaches for me don’t       evening I was standing in for the company owner
            mean baking passively in the sun. The beaches      and took a data sheet to enter the details about the
            always mean movement, walking or swimming. I       owners, the dog, and the length of her stay at the
            drive further away from the town, away from the    boarding facility. It was the first time I was left in
            popular beach spots that are off-limits to dogs,   charge, and I tried to do a particularly good job. The
            and in the summer, I don’t take dogs to the beach   dog was your usual unremarkable mutt, without
            as I wouldn’t want to disturb other beachgoers.    looking  at  her  closely  I  already  knew  she  was
            But in Autumn, Winter, and Spring we own the       not any particular breed. Only out of politeness, I
            beach, dog people and other crazies. Sometimes     asked what her breed was, as my right hand was
            my dogs and I walk the seashore for 3 hours and    already writing “mix”. To my surprise, both owners
            meet only crows and swans. Such a luxury. That     said, in unison: Australian Shepherd. I knew very
            is my favourite part of living with dogs. Once after   well there was no such breed but I indulged them,
            a long and solitary beach walk – solitary of human   crossed out “mix” and wrote instead “Australian
            company but with several dogs - I had lost one of   Shepherd”.  Her  name  was
            my leashes. I needn’t have worried. Returning to   Temba,  and  she  was
            my car, I saw my leash neatly folded and placed on   SMART.

                                                                             To get the Australian
                                                                                    Shepherd breed

                                                                                 recognition on the
                                                                         street in Latvia took me

                                                                                 about 10-15 years.

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 1/2023  |  111
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