Page 26 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 26


            Interview with a Breeder




          Dear  Philipp  thank you for taking the time to provide   the future. When I was 17, Grace, my first Aussie
          us with an interview and answering our questions.    moved in.

          Please introduce yourself and your kennel to our   Please tell us about your past and present dogs
          readers? Why did you choose to own this breed?     and the future?
          Hello  everyone.  My  Name  is  Philipp  Harrer,  I   It  all  started  with  my  first  female,  Grace  in
          was born in 1994. I was raised and still living    2011. She was my pet; she never had a litter
          in beautiful Austria. My family lives in a small   but was my Obedience and Agility dog. I got my
          town called Passail, in the green heart of Austria   first show dog from Hungary in 2012 from the
          called  Styria.  Together  with  my  wife  and  our   Silver Dream Kennel, he was a Long-tailed Red
          small daughter we Breed Australian Shepherds.      Merle Dog. This dog quickly proved that he had
          My Kennel name is “Austrian Dream”. I think all    quality to win. In 2013 I got my first two USA
          dogs are like Diamonds. It is a dream to own       Imports from Thornapple kennel which began            Text written by: Philipp Harrer. Photographs provided by: Philipp Harrer.
          Diamonds, right? With living in such a stunning    my serious interest in showing and Breeding.
          place in Austria these two ideas combined to try   The female was already an Adult while the male
          to breed a Dream come true in Austria = Austrian   was a puppy. Both proved themselves as very
          Dream!  I fell in love with our breed when I was   nice Showdogs with great success. The female
          around 10 years old. Our neighbours at the time    was  called  Thornapple  Bijan  With  a  Twist
          owned a red merle Bi Male, named Elvis and         “Bijan”. She had the first Austrian Dream litter.
          that  is  where  it  all  started.  I  love  how  happy   She had three great puppies, two Males and a
          and always ready to work they are and connect      Female who all proved themselves successful
          with all types of humans and animals. I was so     showdogs.  From  Baby  Best  in  Show  up  to
          impressed that it was clear this was my Breed for   Best in Show and lots of titles along the way

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