Page 29 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 29

just watch and learn. It is also important to try   his mark as a show dog but as a Stud dog he
            things yourself, sometimes it will be a stroke of   changed everything. His offspring are stunning,
            genius and you will love it, others not so much but   easy  going  dogs,    which  has  always  been  an
            you still learn lessons from it and that will inform   important goal in my Breeding programme. Last
            your decisions going forward. I do not believe in   year  his  daughter  had  a  stunning  litter  from
            simply following what others do, every breeder     which  I  kept  an  outstanding  young  red  merle
            has different lines so make decisions which suit   bitch, named Austrian Dream Oops I did it again
            you and your kennels best.                         “Judy”. This young lady is just candy to my eyes
                                                               and soul. I can’t wait to see what the future holds
            Which dog do you consider the foundation of        for her and the other youngsters I have at home,
            your Kennel?                                       I feel like we have many exciting times ahead.

            My  Breeding  started  with  Thornapple  but  I
            wouldn’t  call  it  my  foundation  as  I  have  not   What is the best example of the breed you have
            continued on from those dogs. I believe my real    bred so far and why?
            foundation was a female from the Fallcat kennel    Giving you just one example is so hard. There are
            in the Czech republic. Her Name was Cayuga         so many dogs I am so proud to call myself their
            Sweet Sunset Fallcat “Jessie”. She was such a      Breeder. For me it is not all about the Showring
            sound moving female, with a great mind and a       either,  it  is  about  the  mental  soundness  and
            heart of gold. She had two litters, the First litter   closeness to breed standard. I think if I had to
            of which was my dream litter. I kept a Red Merle   choose one name, I would still choose Scamp.
            male, named Austrian Dream Fascination With        He  is  moderate,    moves  very  soundly  and
            Fire “Scamp”. This dog is not only the most loving   effortlessly,  he has beautiful construction and
            aussie I know, but is so sound and beautiful and   breed type along with having the most wonderful
            what I picture an aussie to be. He certainly made   personality being so fun and kind. I see so much

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