Page 28 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 28


          and that was just the beginning. Since we have     and Friends none of this would be possible. I
          had  several  amazing  litters  who  have  given   am so grateful to everyone who helped me out
          us  so  many  great  memories  and  even  made     and taught me so much over the years. I never
          Breed  history.  Collectively  we  have    finished   stop learning and feel it is so important to teach
          many  Junior  Champions,  Champions,  Group        newcomers afterall we were all beginners once.
          Wins/Placements,  Junior  Best  in  Show  wins/
          Placements,  Best  in  Show  wins/  Placements,    What made you want to become a dog breeder?
          Supreme Junior Best in Show and Supreme Best       I learnt much from breeding rabbits which gave
          in Show. My heart dog Multi Ch Austrian Dream      me  knowledge  of  how  breeding  works  and  I
          Fascination with fire “Scamp'' alone took Top Dog   always  felt  breeding  dogs  was    something  I
          of Austria, Best in Show Bundessieger Dortmund,    would love to do. I love learning about anything
          Eukanuba World Challenge Finalist, Cruft res. CC   related to breeding whether it's about health or
          and much more. While others have taken Junior      genetics or how to better my gene pool.  I really
          World Winner, Res. Junior Best in Show at World    love dogs and it is crucially important to me to
          Dogshow,  European  Winner,  many  Champion        Breed healthy working dogs which can do so
          titles including 5 Bred by ASCA Champions and      many things which make humans happy.
          UK Champions and many more of which I am so
          proud. The priority for our breeding programme     Did you have mentors/mentors and how have
          is  to  breed  happy,  healthy  and  very  sociable   they helped you?
          Dogs. Our breeding programme has never been
          focused on show results instead breeding correct   I personally feel no one gets success alone. Even
          type,  construction  and  movement  and  happy     those who feel they can make it alone, it's not true
          Aussie temperaments. There are still new goals     you need help and advice from fellow breeders
          to be achieved but we have lots of time and who    and the trust to have their lines to create your own.
          knows what the future will bring.                  Sometimes we do not like the advice we receive
                                                             but it will still inform the decisions we make in the
          How did you get introduced to the world of         future. I have been very fortunate to have the best
          showing and breeding?                              mentors. They began as mentors but have become
          Initially I began with my pet Aussie, Grace who    true friends and without them my Breeding would
                                                             be nothing. I am so grateful to everyone who gave
          I tried showing for fun. She loved it but was not
          successful in the ring so I concentrated on the other   me their opinion over the years. Different insights
          dogs who had the potential to be competitive. I    and ways of thinking have helped to inform my
          really love presenting great quality Dogs to the   thoughts and decisions. It is so important to work
          world. I love grooming my dogs and presenting      together and not against each other and it would
          them to the highest quality. I want both myself    make life so much easier for everyone. I am so
          and the dogs to have fun both in and out of the    grateful to everyone over the last few years.
          ring. Unfortunately not all dogs are show dogs
          even if they are beautiful, some just don’t enjoy it   Have you been inspired by any other Kennels/
          and we have to respect that even if it feels like a   breeders?
          waste. I have always had a passion for breeding,    Absolutely,  yes I feel saying names and kennels
          initially sparked by watching  my parents breed    is not enough. I was so inspired by many Breeders
          horses and my Grandparents breeding cattle. I,     and their work, they include Fallcat, Harmony
          myself, began breeding rabbits at the age of 8     Hill’s,  Stormridge,  Elite’s,  Northbay,  Sirius,
          ending up to a very high level. I am now solely    Limelite, Sentikki and many more. Collectively
          based on breeding stunning and healthy dogs.       they  have  done  so  much  to  help  me  create
          I  enjoy  watching  this  beautiful  breed  at  home   Austrian Dream kennel by helping me with not
          everyday, for me it's not just about showing them.   only dogs but to learn about lines and breedings
                                                             and so much more. It gave me the opportunity to
          It is important to me to add before I move onto the   see how these lines worked together or didn’t as
          next question without help from other Breeders     the case maybe. You don’t even need to be close,

           28  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023
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