Page 34 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 34


          Do you groom your own dogs? At what age do
          you begin to groom your puppies?
          Yes I do and I am very picky. I bath all my puppies
          for the first time around 3 weeks and it all begins
          there. Nail trimming starts even earlier to ensure
          that their claws don’t hurt their mum. It takes a
          lot of work to groom a Show dog. Fortunately  I
          love grooming and I think I always will. I did a lot
          of workshops in the beginning and tried what I     why something didn’t work. Be realistic and honest,
          was learning on those dogs at home who were        especially with yourself. I am my own worst critic
          currently not showing or retired from the ring as   and judge my own dogs and breeding the hardest.
          I feel I learn best by doing and practising.       You need to see your own faults, so learn from
                                                             them and to make the next step towards change.
          Do you show outside of your own country?
          What show would you like to attend that you        Do you judge? If yes, what do you look for when
          have not yet attended?                             you are judging? If you don’t judge, would you
          We mainly show only outside of Austria. I do not   like to in the future? When exhibiting what do
          enjoy the atmosphere of  indoor shows and that     you look for in a good judge?
          is mainly what is offered here in Austria. I love   I don’t judge yet but I am working on becoming a
          to walk my dogs even when we are at a show as      judge in the near future. A good judge for me is a
          they need a good run to relax their minds.         person who respects the dogs and the hard work
                                                             that has gone in behind them to put them in the
          I would love to attend Westminster Kennel Club     ring in the first place. To Judge any Breed you need
          Show and USASA Nationals which are both on         to be able to see their strengths and weaknesses.
          my wish list. My dream is to show one of my own    In a breed like Aussies, a dog which can’t move
          bred-by dogs there. I am already planning that     soundly, can’t be correct to the standard. Always
          hopefully, some of my youngsters at home could     refresh  yourself  of  the  Breed  standard  of  the
          shine in those rings.                              breed you are judging beforehand. It is ok to forget
                                                             things especially outside your own breed but you
          Do you have any advice for our readers who         should be prepared to remind yourself of things
          would like to become successful breeders?          before stepping in the ring to judge them.
          If you don’t know, then ask. If you are scared about
          something  or  don’t  have  a  good  feeling  about   Is there anything you would like to add?
          it then ask your Breeder friends. They may have    I hope everyone who reads my interview will
          already made that mistake themselves and they      understand and even share some of my thoughts.
          will share their experience with you and hopefully   We don’t need to agree on everything. But stay
          prevent you from doing the same. To be successful   kind and helpful to each other. Together we are
          it takes so much more than just wanting to be an   strong and can make our breed even Stronger.
          Australian Shepherd breeder. I am forever planning   Thanks to everyone who helped me to where I
          my future litters, it is not a process that you can   am now. I hope you all enjoyed my interview.
          rush.  I can tell you combinations I want to do in 5
          years time with dogs who are already on my radar   On behalf of the Australian Shepherd Magazine
          but these plans also have to be fluid as things    and  our  readers,  we  would  like  to  thank  you
          change meaning we need to move plans around        for this wonderful interview and we wish you
          and adapt. I always set my goals high and consider   continued success with your breeding.

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           34  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023
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