Page 33 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 33

our breed and gene pool. We stand together on      end up with what I hoped for. Breeding is not a
            this planet, don't forget that.                    game, it is an Art meaning there is rarely a right
                                                               or wrong answer but it is down to interpretation.
            At what age(s) do you evaluate your puppies to
            show potential?                                    Do you show your own dogs or use a professional
            From  birth  I  began  accessing  them  as  a  litter   handler and why?
            and will generally have a favourite or two but     I love to show and groom my own dogs. Some of
            of course this is not an age to make any definite   my dogs show best for me or my wife and some
            decisions  as  you  are  limited  to  what  you  can   do not mind a handler. If I have time, I really like
            judge. However so far these are generally my       to show all my dog's myself, however sometimes
            keeper  puppies  even  though  they  go  through   I do not have the time so I will ask people I trust
            many changes. Personally, I would say the best     to take and show my dogs. These can be friends
            age to make final assessments is between 6.5       or  handlers  or  both  in  one.  My  first  choice  is
            and 8 weeks. I am also a fan of giving puppies     Katja Rauhut, who has shown quite a few of our
            time to grow, as some who do not look as nice as   dogs. She is an amazing handler and now we call
            young puppies will blossom into a dream come       each other friends. I am always happy to send
            true. I think sometimes you have to let your heart   any of our dogs with her as I know she will do
            decide and it may be right or it may be wrong      everything she can to keep the dogs happy first
            however I often find my instincts are right and    and foremost.

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  33
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