Page 32 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 32


          in the crate, in many different rings and with     hugely grateful to my Puppy Owners who give
          many noises and ideally different handlers all     all  my  beautiful  puppies  their  loving  forever
          in one day. I enjoy showing but my focus is on     homes . A big highlight for me is that a Female
          breeding correct dogs to standard therefore I do   I  bred  was  working  in  Turkey  and  found  one
          not change my breeding programme for the ring.     person alive after the Earthquake. This touched
          The puppies see how the mom behaves and start      my heart that not only are my dogs getting the
          to learn and they spend time with my adults who    best lives they are also out saving human lives.
          also began the process of socialising them. Some
          incredible  show  dogs  will  produce  incredible   Do you see any difference in today's A/S
          offspring while others may not. This is also true   compared to those from 10 years ago? If so,
          that some dogs who are not great show dogs         what are the biggest differences you see?
          can go on and produce you beautiful puppies if     Absolutely in the Last 10 Years the Breed has
          bred to the right mate.                            changed a lot and sadly not all for the better.
                                                             Recently we have had many overdone heavy-
          What do you consider your biggest highlight        bodied dogs which are not within our standard.
          and greatest achievement as a breeder/owner?       Too many who are very tall, heavy in bone and
          It’s important to say I am proud of every dog I bred   over coated. Mostly with heavy heads, big ears
          and own. My biggest highlights are Top Dog all     and unsound movement. I think breeders and
          Breeds of my Country, Dortmund Bundessieger        Judges are starting to realise this is not correct
          Best  in  Show,  First and  only  European  Breed   for  an  Australian  Shepherd  so  we  are  slowly
          Aussie to be in the top 12 Final in the Eukanuba   getting back to our roots. We are a moderate
          World Challenge, Crufts Res. CC, Junior World      working breed and it is very important we do
          Winner  and  only  Aussie  who  won  res.  Junior   not forget that. I have personally changed my
          Best in Show at the World Dog Show, European       breeding a lot in the last few years as I saw how
          Winner and 5 Bred by ASCA Champions. I am          easily I could have gone in the wrong direction.

                                                             What aspect(s) do you think that breeders need
                                                             to work on improving?
                                                             I love this question. As I said before we as breeders
                                                             need to work together and communicate about the
                                                             Breed. As I said before alone no one individual can
                                                              be successful and for the betterment of our breed
                                                               we need to not be selfish. Even the most famous
                                                                 Dogs in our History were never the result of
                                                                   one breeder or owner, they had many people
                                                                    who  contributed  to  the  pedigree  who
                                                                      worked  together  and  supported  each
                                                                        other. This is deeply missed in modern
          I think sometimes you have                                     days and it is very sad. People who
          to let your heart decide and it may                              I work with or who work with me
                                                                            know  I  am  a  big  supporter  for
          be right or it may be wrong however                                 sharing and helping each other.

          I often find my instincts are right and                               Others  may  disagree  but  I
                                                                                 believe  working  together
          end up with what I hoped for.                                            will  bring  us  away  from
                                                                                    all  those  things  that
                                                                                      I  mentioned  in  the
                                                                                        previous answer that
                                                                                         are  now  plaguing

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