Page 52 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 52


                                                             a moderate breed. Having judged them in many
                                                              different countries, I feel that a number of exhibits
                                                                are  getting  quite  extreme  (either  they  are
                                                                 too moderate and losing their angulation –
          Probably our proudest                                    in  particular  their  front  angulation  –  or
          achievement to date is having                              they are becoming far too heavy/coarse
                                                                      and  could  not  possibly  perform  the
          bred Australia’s youngest                                     job  that  they  were  bred  for).  The

          Australian Shepherd Supreme                                    Australian  Shepherd  should  also
                                                                           never appear to be “long and low”.
          Champion.                                                          Whilst exhibits with these body
                                                                              proportions often have a large
                                                                                side gait, this is not the correct
                                                                                 general appearance for the
                                                                                 breed and Judges should be
          Ochaye No Easy Way Out” who are currently          mindful of this when entering the ring.
          relaxing out of the show ring and are about to
          commence their most important role, as part of     Do you think are Aussies different on the
          our breeding program.                              continents? What is the biggest difference, is it
                                                             coat for example because of different weather?
          In August 2015 you passed your final Judging       I have now judged Australian Shepherds at 2
          exam attaining ANKC All Breeds status and in       World  Dog  Shows  and  Specialty  Shows  for
          2018 you were officially recognised as an FCI      Australian Shepherds in Australia, Canada and
          International All Breeds Judge. And quiet soon     Russia. Belinda and I are also judging a Specialty
          after that you judged Aussies at World dog         Show in America in December of this year. As
          Show Russia 2016 and the World dog show            a general observation, I have found the “type/
          Netherlands 2018. Do you remember some             style”  to  be  fairly  consistent  Worldwide.  At
          dogs from that shows? Can you tell us what do      any  Show  with  decent  breed  numbers,  there
          you like on your winners?                          will always be a range of dogs that I find to be
          Russia and Amsterdam both provided me with         untypical of the breed, a number of reasonable
          an amazing judging experience. At each Show,       dogs and then a smaller number of exceptional
          over 100 Australian Shepherds were exhibited       dogs. In a few countries in Europe, I have found
          to me. In Amsterdam, this just included the Male   the overall type to be a little heavier than I would
          variety. On both occasions my BOB winner was a     prefer, especially the first time I judged in Russia
          black tri male. I awarded BOB at the World Dog     at the WDS in Moscow. Thankfully, since then, I
          Show in Moscow to Multi Ch Rising Star Royal       judged a Specialty Show in Vladivostok and was
          Flash DCD Energie’s and BOB at the World Dog       pleased to see that many of the younger exhibits
          Show  in  Amsterdam  to:  WW18  Sentikki  Rix      were a little more refined than they had been
          Absolute  Value  whom  we  have  subsequently      previously.
          imported semen from and whose attributes are
          now prevalent in many of our offspring. Both dogs   Is there anything you would like to add?
          showed exceptional quality, were not overdone      I would like to thank you and your readers for the
          and were very economical in movement.              opportunity to be a part of this interview. I am
                                                             very honored to have been asked.
          As a judge we know you have been judging in
          over 30 countries around the World. When you       On behalf of the Australian Shepherd Magazine
          are judging Aussies what do you think is the       and our readers, we would like to thank you for
          biggest fault in our breed?                        this wonderful interview and also for everything
          Essentially, the Australian Shepherd should be     you do for our amazing breed.

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