Page 85 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 85


                      (labour of puppies)

                 If you own a female dog (also known as bitch) and would like to breed

                 from her, how do you go about finding a suitable stud dog to mate her
                 with that has all the good qualities that you’re looking for in a male?
                 Searching for the right stud dog can sometimes be time consuming

                 and challenging, but it’s worth it if you find a mate that complements
                 your dog, helping to produce healthy, happy puppies that improve

                 the breed. Article “How to find Mr. Perfect” you can find in next issue
       Photographs provided by: M. Kreuzova, N. Newman, M. Hvezdova, N. Beskova, V. Jara, T. Kvasnickova
                 STUD ANNUAL.

            Now imagine your bitch is pregnant… From the       with several layers of newspapers. These provide
            time of breeding, many dogs show behavioural       a  private  hiding  place  for  the  expectant  and
            changes.  Most  develop  an  unusually  sweet      delivering mother and will absorb the birthing
            and  loving  disposition  and  demand  more        fluids. The upper, soiled layers may be removed
            affection  and  attention.  However,  some  may    with minimal interruption to the mother and her
            become  uncharacteristically  irritable.  Some     newborn puppies.
            experience  a  few  days  of  vomition  ("morning
            sickness"),  followed  by  the  development  of  a   Most  dogs  experience  delivery  without
            ravenous appetite which persists throughout the    complications; however, first-time mothers should
            pregnancy. During the latter stages of pregnancy,   be attended by their owners until at least one or
            the expectant mother begins to look for a secure   two puppies are born. If these are born quickly
            place for delivery. Many become uncomfortable      and without assistance, further attendance may
            being alone and will cling closely to the owner. At   not be necessary, although it is desirable. If the
            the onset of labor, many nervously seek a place    owner elects to leave, care should be taken so
            to make the "nest" or birthing place. If the dog is   that  the  dog  does  not  try  to  follow  and  leave
            attached to her owner, she will not want to be left   the whelping box. The signs of impending labor
                                                               generally include nervousness and panting. The
            alone at the time of delivery. If left alone, she may
    Text written by: Martina Svecova  Prior to the time of delivery, a whelping box should   hours before labor. She will also usually have a
            delay delivery until the owner returns.
                                                               dog  will  often  quit  eating  during  the  last  24
                                                               drop in rectal temperature below 37.8 °C. The
                                                               temperature  drop  may  occur  intermittently  for
            be selected and placed in a secluded place, such
                                                               several days prior to delivery, but it will usually be
            as a closet or a secluded corner. The box should
                                                               constant for the last 24 hours. Delivery times will
            be large enough for the dog to move around freely,
                                                               vary. Dogs having slim heads, such as Aussies,
            but have low enough sides so that she can see out
                                                               Collies, or Dobermans, may complete delivery in
            and so you can reach inside to give assistance, if
                                                               one to two hours. Dogs having large, round heads
            needed. The bottom of the box should be lined

                                                                            A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 2/2023  |  85
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