Page 86 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 86


                                    Puppies are usually
                born head first; however, breech

                        presentations, in which the

                 puppy is delivered tail-end first,
                     occur about 40% of the time

                 and are also considered normal.

          generally require longer delivery times. English   wash it and toss it about. Her tongue is used to
          Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, and Pekinese puppies    tear the sac and expose the mouth and nose. This
          tend to have sizable heads that make delivery      vigorous washing stimulates circulation, causing
          more difficult. It is not unusual for these breeds to   the puppy to cry and begin breathing; it also dries
          rest an hour or more between each puppy. Rarely,   the newborn's haircoat. The mother will sever the
          a dog may deliver one or two puppies, then have    umbilical cord by chewing it about 1,5 to 2 cm from
          labour stop for long time and veterinary assistance   the body. Next, she will eat the placenta. If the
          should definitely be obtained. Aussie mothers are   puppy or a fluid-filled bubble is partially visible
          usually very good once, very natural during labour   from the vagina, the owner should assist delivery.
          and know what to do.                               A dampened gauze or thin wash cloth can be used
                                                             to break the bubble and grasp the head or feet.
          Puppies  are  usually  born  head  first;  however,   When a contraction occurs, firm traction should be
          breech  presentations,  in  which  the  puppy  is   applied in a downward (i.e., toward her rear feet)
          delivered tail-end first, occur about 40% of the   direction. If reasonable traction is applied without
          time and are also considered normal. Each puppy    being able to remove the puppy, or if the mother
          is enclosed in a sac that is part of the placenta   cries  intensely  during  this  process,  the  puppy
          ("afterbirth"). The placentas usually pass after the   is probably lodged. A veterinarian's assistance
          puppies are born. However, any that do not pass    should be sought without delay. It is normal for
          will disintegrate and pass within 24-48 hours      the mother to remove the placental sac and clean
          after delivery. It is normal for the mother to eat the   the puppies; however, first-time mothers may be
          placentas. If the delivery proceeds normally, a few   bewildered by the experience and hesitate to do
          contractions will discharge the puppy; it should   so. If the sac is not removed within a few minutes
          exit the birth canal within ten minutes of being   after delivery, the puppy will suffocate, so you
          visible.  Following  delivery,  the  mother  should   should be prepared to intervene. The puppy's face
          lick the newborn's face. She will then proceed to   should be wiped with a damp wash cloth or gauze

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