Page 104 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 104
Not long after the cancer
survey was complete ASHGI
contacted Dr. Matthew Breen
at North Carolina State
University who agreed to
include Aussies in his work.
He not only studies our two
inherited cancers in Aussies,
he has compiled a repository
of blood and tissue samples
that he willingly shares
with other researchers.
In addition to developing
our relationship with
Breen, ASHGI has actively
supported hemangiosarcoma
and lymphoma research
by sponsoring grants
administered by the AKC
Canine Health Foundation
and Morris Animal
The decision to let Moby go
was one of the hardest I’ve
had to make. All of us who
have had a Moby in our lives Hemangiosarcoma
hold the key that may save
others from experiencing the is an aggressive form of cancer that develops from blood
same anguish. By sharing vessels. It can occur anywhere in the body but most often
what happened to our dogs affects a dog’s spleen, heart, liver, or skin. Symptoms of
through the ASHGI/IDASH hemangiosarcoma vary depending on the body systems
health database and with involved. Hemangiosarcoma tumors are composed of
each other we may ultimately abnormal blood and blood vessels that are fragile, invasive,
provide breeders with the and easily ruptured. When a tumor ruptures, it hemorrhages
tools they need to avoid into a body cavity like the chest or abdomen, causing many
producing dogs that are of the clinical signs associated with hemangiosarcoma.
genetically predisposed to
our two inherited cancers. Lymphoma
By supporting ASHGI is a cancer of the lymph nodes and lymphatic system. This
financially you can aide cancer may be localized to one region or spread throughout
researchers as they work the entire body. The lymphatic system includes the lymph
to gain vital insights which nodes, specialized lymphatic organs, such as the spleen
could lead to DNA screening, and tonsils, and the lymphatic vessels. Together, these
improved diagnosis, better components of the lymphatic system carry out several
treatments, and even essential roles in the body, including the movement of fluids
cures for those dogs who and other substances through the body, as well as carrying
do develop these dread out immune functions in response to toxins or infections.
104 | A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 3/2024