Page 100 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 100


         Cancer                                                                 AND

                      Aussies -

         IS IT A PROBLEM?

          Text written by: C.A. Sharp, Photographs provided by: M. Hynkova, E. Sandova, T. Hudolin

          We’ve all had special dogs in our lives. Moby was one of mine.
          She was bright, personable and, even though she had severe
          handicaps from birth, I’ve known few dogs with as much zest

          and joy in life. Yet there I was, that sad July afternoon in 1994,
          hoisting Moby to my vet’s examining table and steeling myself
          to say good-by. Moby had mammary cancer. After surgery it

          had metastasized to internal organs. Despite her stoicism in
          the face of what must have been considerable pain, I knew it
          was time to let her go. She was only nine years old.

          Cancer is a common canine         particular types indicating an    mammary cancer, or arise in the
          ailment. It is the most common    inherited predisposition for      bone marrow causing lymphoma
          natural cause of death in the     those cancers.                    or leukemia and sending vast
          species as a whole, usually                                         numbers of diseased cells
          striking elderly dogs. But        Cancer is not one disease, but    into the lymph or circulatory
          sometimes the victims are not     many. Any disease causing         systems. A cancer may start
          elderly. They may even be         an uncontrolled proliferation     at one site then metastasize,
          young. Even though cancer is a    of abnormal cells is classified   sending cells racing through the
          species-wide canine problem,      as cancer. Those abnormal         bloodstream to wreak havoc
          some breeds are prone to          cells may form a tumor, as in     elsewhere.

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