Page 96 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 96


          Jack’s record at the end of       first Jack child Darcy “Dapsen    Australian shows are held all over
          2023 was 50 All Breed Best        All That And Moore”, Darcy        the country not just in the capital
          In Shows, 51 Runner up Best       has so far followed in her        cities so you get to visit many
          In Shows (BIS 2 ), 5 Working      dad’s footsteps, finishing her    regional spots to attend shows.
          dog Specialty Best in Shows, 2    championship at the tender        These show circuits are great for
          Australian Shepherd Specialty     age of 9 months and was the       smaller communities because of
          BIS and upwards of 180 Group      #1 Australian Shepherd Rising     how much money it generates for
          1 . It is a small miracle that    Star in Australia in 2023.        the local economies.
          Jack made it back into the
          ring after he injured himself     My favourite thing about          My favourite dog shows to
          severely in May 2021 after        shows is the friendships and      attend in Australia are the
          winning his 97  group win.        relationships I have made         Winter International and
          For almost 3 months he did        both in Australia and abroad.     Springfair weekends, these are
          full rehab after injuring his     People involved in both of my     both 4 show weekends with
          knee. We did hydrotherapy 2-3     breeds but also people that       international judges. Both are
          times a week and slowly built     aren’t. Dog shows being such      8-9 hour trips to other states.
          him back to full strength. His    a global sport is also fantastic   Because of Australia’s very strict
          first show back in December       because it has allowed me to      import rules it is both difficult
          2021 hew won his 98  Group.       travel all over Australia and     and expensive to take a dog to
          In 2022 when Jack was 6 I         see parts that I most likely      international shows and bring it
          finally had the opportunity to    wouldn’t have visited without     home with the exception of New
          use him myself and kept my        them.                             Zealand.

           96  |  A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 3/2024
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