Page 98 - Aussie Magazine - 2024 Issue 3
P. 98


          To register a puppy with out      championship. Recently a          A lot of DNA tests are
          canine associations you need      blue merle girl with a full tail   completed, and it seems to
          to either produce DNA which       finished her championship         be an ever-growing list. Many
          says the puppy is NBT or          winning a Group 1 .               different labs are being used
          complete a vet letter than says                                     and not all labs seem to have
          they are NBT. For a vet letter    What are breeding rules in        all the tests being completed.
          to be accepted the vet must       Australia for Aussies? I mean     The general minimum for DNA
          see the litter before they are 3   is it hard process to make       testing is CEA, HC, MDR1
          days old and then again when      male a stud dog and female a      and more increasingly DM.
          they are microchipped confirm     brood bitch?                      Testing for colour such as
          they puppies are who they are     All animals must be ANKC          Pied and Merle is also a part
          and identify them with their      register and on the main          of the full profiles as well
          microchip. The pedigrees are      register to be bred from. The     and NBT status. IVDD testing
          marked as Natural Bobtail.        only health testing that is       has recently become more
                                            required for a dog to be bred     common.
                                            from and marked on the ANKC
                                            database is hip and elbow         In your breeding program
                                            scores. Dogs and bitches must     is it important for you what
                                            be 12 months before they          length of tail partners have?
                                            can bred in states of Australia   Have you ever bred two NBT
                                            except for Victoria (our home     together?
                                            state) where dogs can be bred     Absolutely it is. At this time I
                                            from 12 months, but bitches       ensure at least a parent is NBT.
                                            must be 24 months before          I have bred two NBT dogs
                                            they are bred.                    together on three occasions
                                                                              with no health issues at all.
                                            Some of the Australian            Only one of the NBT to NBT
                                            Shepherd breed clubs do have      litters produced a litter of all
                                            much stricter guidelines for      NBT puppies. The litter sizes
                                            their members which includes      were 4, 5 and 7. I think one of
                                            far more health testing,          my NBT lines is far stronger
                            Vixen puppy
                                            including eye tests and DNA       at producing the gene, with
                                            testing. It also have maximum     one of my boys, Cooper
          Imports that come into            scores for hip and elbows as to   producing between 80-100%
          Australia docked must come in     what they feel is acceptable to   NBT puppies in his litters. I do
          with a vet letter to say that the   be bred from.                   my best to not let NBT status
          dog was legally docked before                                       cause me to use inferior stud
          leaving their home country.       What health tests are             dogs over my girls. At this
          Those dogs have a docked tail     common in your region?            point in time I am trying to
          card which you must take to all   Health testing really does        keep only NBT girls, so I can
          shows in case you are asked       differ between breeders, all      utilise imported semen from
          for it to be seen. I have never   ANKC registered puppies do        dogs abroad that I love.
          been asked to see a docked        have two parents that are
          tail card for any of my three     hip and elbow scored. Many        On behalf of the Australian
          imports.                          breeders do complete annual       Shepherd Magazine and our
                                            eye tests and eye test their      readers, we would like to
          There is not a lot of tailed      litters, but it isn’t all. The PHA   thank you for this wonderful
          Aussies being shown, but          blood tests are completed by      interview and also for
          there is some with a couple       some breeders, but I am not       everything you do for our
          that have finished their          sure how wide that is.            amazing breed.

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