Page 119 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 119
Do you find the breed standard confusing?
Would more judge’s education be helpful?
I do not find the Standard confusing, at all.
Learning the written Standard is only one part
of your education as a breeder or judge. It is
even more important to learn how the written
Standard applies to the living breathing Australian
Shepherd. It is important to spend years watching,
learning, living with dogs, raising puppies, training
your eye. Malcolm Gladwell’s book (10,000 Hours:
You Become What You Practice) says that to
master something, anything, you must practice it
for at least ten thousand hours. So, get your hours
in. Once you work your ten thousand hours, the
pieces fall into place. Respected breeder judge
Judy Harrington said in her seminar during USASA
Nationals: “Remember that the dogs were first,
and the Standard was written.” So, your first order
of business is to truly get to know the dogs, the
breed. And then you will understand the Standard.
Do you see any difference in the Australian
Shepherd of today compared with those when
you fell in love with? If so, what are the biggest
differences you see? Take your time, learning and doing with Australian
Shepherds. Get your ten thousand hours. Seek out
I was fortunate to start with the very best. The opportunities to see many good dogs. Nothing can
dogs that I see today, do not all measure up. That replace personal experience.
is why it is important to regularly see the best
dogs in the world and remind your “eye” what you Would you like to add something?
are looking for.
One of the breed’s founding legends, Ernest
Hartnagle, has said in an interview that the breed
It’s inevitable that breeds will evolve and change did not revolve around one bloodline or one
somewhat as new generations of breeders take breeder or one stud dog. Everyone has a role to
charge. How can the essence - or true breed type play in the breed.
- be maintained?
The answer to this question is easy to say but not I have returned to this quote again and again,
so easy to do, in this day and age. Original breed over the years. I think it shows greatness of
function created the breed, and original breed understanding, greatness of spirit, inclusiveness
function will maintain the breed. That presents in an area where there is so little of it. It is not
a difficulty with a herding breed, as many of us about today, about me, or about you. The breed is
own no livestock and do not herd for a living. We greater than each of us individually, our triumphs
have a responsibility to safeguard the functional and shortcomings. It is about something bigger,
abilities of the breed. When judging and making about the journey of people and dogs together,
breeding decisions, fit for function should be a from the past into my time and my life, and onto
primary concern. the future at some point without me, but always
with people and with dogs, the journey continues.
What is the most important point, of which you
would like a new aspiring judge of the Australian On behalf of The Australian Shepherd Magazine,
Shepherd to be aware of? we’d like to thank you for this wonderful interview.
A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 1/2023 | 119