Page 115 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 115
for the breed. The fearful dogs need socialisation
and training. But there is one thing fearful dogs do
not need. They do not need to be bred. As a judge, I see that in many ways my experience
with fearful dogs has been a gift. I am aware of
Behaviour and temperament is of course influenced the dog’s attitude when judging, I know how
by both, nature and nurture. When you have several to approach a dog, and how to help the dog to
related dogs at home over a longer period of time, feel more at ease. I recognise signs of fear and
you fully appreciate just how strong the family discomfort in the dog, sometimes I know there
influence is. With one dog at home, especially with will be a problem before the owner/handler
a first or second dog, you might think everything does. I also know when to excuse a dog, when
about this dog is unique. You might think your dog further attempts to examine the dog would only
is a “blank page”, onto which you can write as you upset him, and make it worse for next time. As an
choose. But you would be wrong. But if you knew exhibitor, once or twice I met judges who persisted
closely the dog’s ancestors, you would see how with lengthy and heavy-handed examination
family behaviour traits tend to repeat in the next of my dog, even though they saw the dog was
generations. Another thing we must keep in mind uncomfortable. I regret now that I had allowed
is that behaviour develops and changes over time. it to go on, I should have apologised, taken my
A young male of 8 months will behave differently dog and left the ring. I could see the irritation of
than the same male at age 3 years or 5 years. As these judges, and they acted like they were going
dogs mature and change, more of the hereditary to teach my dog a lesson in the show ring. That
behaviour becomes apparent, sometimes in ways is one thing a judge should never do. We are not
we like and welcome, sometimes in ways that can supposed to train nor punish an exhibitor’s dog
be problematic. As dog owners and guardians in the ring. If you are going to penalise the dog
of the breed, we must compensate and adjust, for shy/fearful behaviour, then do it and move on.
to ensure the dog has an active interesting life, Don’t keep scaring the dog. Don’t make it worse.
and that it is a good member of society. In that The least you can do as a judge, is do no harm.
sense, we have a dual responsibility, to the dog Puppies and youngsters especially should be
and society. treated with gentleness and compassion.
A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie • Issue 1/2023 | 115