Page 117 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 117

function, working dog breeds were created and      rarely). Ahhh and I dislike that so many dogs
            shaped by the specific job they do. A good judge   have dirty teeth in the ring, even young dogs.
            should be kind and considerate to dogs and people   When you trim and bathe a dog before the show,
            in their ring. We cannot test working ability in the   you also take care of teeth and clean the teeth if
            show ring, but an Australian Shepherd should look   needed. Dirty teeth long term can lead to serious
            and move like he could do the job. A good judge    health  problems  and  loss  of  teeth.  FCI  Breed
            should have integrity. A good judge should always   Standard says teeth should be white!
            continue learning. A good judge should be a true
            ambassador of this hobby.                          How has the dog scene changed over the last
                                                               decades in your opinion?
            Especially in a breed that is moderate like ours,   In my area, the Australian Shepherd has changed
            maintaining  correct  breed  type  is  of  great   from being a rare breed to being sometimes the
            importance.                                        largest breed entry of the show. Everyone wants
                                                               an Aussie; everyone wants to breed. Popularity
            What do you dislike most when judging?             comes at a price. We should keep in mind that this
            I dislike it if people interfere with other exhibitors   is a functional herding dog of medium size and
            or  other  dogs  in  the  ring.  I  will  stop  the  ring   bone, with moderate coat.
            and tell everyone to behave if I see it. I dislike
            if people have uncaring attitude towards their     When you are judging the Australian Shepherd,
            dogs. I dislike it if people first give a sharp yank   what do you look for?
            on the leash and only then tell the dog what to    I want to see a typy, balanced, athletic dog that
            do – it’s like they punish the dog first and give   is fit for function. I want to see breed typical head
            instructions later. I feel very sorry and want to   and expression, with almond-shaped eyes and
            weep  if  I  see  that  people  are  unkind  to  their   high-placed ears of moderate size. I want to see a
            Puppies or Veterans (that has happened very        dog that is keen and intelligent.

                                                                           A Worldwide Magazine for the Aussie  •  Issue 1/2023  |  117
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