Page 114 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 114

An Interview with a judge

          learning to write show descriptions – and now      characteristics, moderate size, moderate bone,
          I cannot remember why, it seems natural now.       and correct head and expression.
          I had mixed feelings about becoming a judge, I
          knew I wanted to judge Australian Shepherds, but   Our breed has a fairly wide range of characteristics,
          thought I would have little interest in other breeds.   both in anatomy and in behaviour. Sometimes this
          I was wrong. Judging has not only given me a new   causes heated arguments. One side says, stupid
          perspective on my own breed, but I also learned    show dogs. The other side says, ugly working dogs.
          to love other Herding breeds – the more I knew     This is a colossal waste of everyone’s time and
          about them, the warmer my heart felt. I am firmly   effort, not best for the Breed, and not best for us,
          convinced that a truly good dog will shine in the   the fanciers. We must recognise that genetic and
          show ring, more often than not, regardless of who   phenotypical variety, within the parameters of the
          is the owner or the handler. I also learned that in   Breed Standard, is a wonderful thing. All Australian
          the training of new judges, the number one most    Shepherds have to have breed type, they must
          important thing is to see many high-quality dogs,   be recognisable as Australian Shepherds, in both
          to develop a feeling for the essence of a breed,   their conformation and behaviour. But they do not
          and to recognise quality. In judge’s training, we are   have to be all the same. There is a variety of size,
          often taught about faults. And recognising faults   substance, head style, temperament, working traits,
          surely has a role. But the utmost importance is –   coat and colour. If it fits within the Breed Standard,
          recognising quality and true breed character. I love   it should be accepted and welcomed. The breed is
          the idea – and it’s not mine, I read it somewhere –   richer for it. it.
          Lack of virtue is the greatest fault of all. The best
          dog in the ring is not the one who is free of faults.   The  FCI  Breed  Standard  for  the  Saluki  says  it
          Fault-judging  gives  us  the  so-called  “generic   beautifully:
          show dog” – a dog with no obvious faults but also
          without strong breed typical qualities. As a judge, I   “Salukis vary in type and the variation is desired
          look for breed-typical virtue. Australian Shepherds   and  typical  for  the  breed.  The  reason  for  the
                    are a medium-sized, moderate herding     variation is the special place held by the Saluki
                             breed. As herding dogs, they    in  the  Arab  tradition  and  the  immense  size  of
                                   must be fit for function.   the Middle East area where the Saluki has been
                                       It  is  vital  that  we   used as a hound of the chase for thousands of
                                          maintain  breed    years. … those brought to Europe came from a
                                                             wide  variation  of  terrain  and  climate  and  vary

                                                             This  is  of  course  a  very  different  breed  on  a
                                                             different  timeline.  Nevertheless,  a  beautiful
                                                             sentiment. Sensible.

                                                             The Breed Standard says Australian Shepherds
          A good judge should                                can be initially reserved. Reserved does not mean
                                                             shy or fearful. Reserved means – you are a stranger
          have an eye for a dog                               to the dog and therefore not important to the
          and have a good feel                                 dog. I did happen to buy some fearful dogs
                                                                 over the years, and almost always I made it
          for a dog, in the way                                   work, trained the dog to accept the shows
          that they approach                                        and accept the judges, etc. As the years
                                                                      go by, I think more and more that it’s a
          and interact                                                 waste of my time. It is a burden to live
                                                                         with a fearful dog, and it is incorrect

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