Page 118 - Aussie Magazine no1, 2023
P. 118

An Interview with a judge

          How do you define the breed type? How does         Prices of raw materials and energy are going up
          the Australian Shepherd differ from other breeds   and up. The end result is that society is that much
          FCI1?                                              poorer, and long-term it will be harder to afford
          Breed type is something that is seen and felt, and   buying, keeping, and caring for pets. There may
          may  be  difficult  to  put  into  words.  Breed  type   soon be a need to rehome pets that were bought
          consists  of  several  factors  such  as  silhouette,   on an impulse at the start of pandemic, and that
          proportions,  substance,  movement,  head  and     now their owners can no longer afford. We would
          expression,  coat,  behaviour.  The  Australian    be wise to adjust our breeding plans accordingly.
          Shepherd is not a “head breed”, but still, head and   Keep in touch with your puppy owners and offer
          expression are very important, as it conveys the   to take your puppy back if need be.
          breed-typical character and personality of the dog.
          We should pay attention to the correct wedge-      Every breed has problems, which is the most
          shaped head with tight lips, and ears - size, shape   common  problem  you  see  in  the  Australian
          and placement (the base of ears should be placed   Shepherd today?
          high!), and to eye shape and placement. Beware     As far as conformation, we need to pay attention
          of big ears!                                       to balanced angulation front and rear, with enough
                                                             length of upper arm. Watch out that we are not
          My advice for aspiring judges of our breed, is to go   losing correct heads and expression, especially
          in person to the big shows in your area, World and   correct high-set ears and almond-shaped eyes.
          European Shows, go in person to USA, to USASA      Sometimes it seems that our bitches should be
          and ASCA Specialty shows, and see many quality     more feminine. Many bitches are on the big side
          dogs in person, talk to the breeders. Go and watch   and  “doggy”.  All  Aussies  need  to  be  in  good
          herding trials when you can. Develop the template   muscular  condition.  Many  Aussies  are  narrow
          the ideal Australian Shepherd in your mind. Learn   in  the  rear  when  moving,  that  seems  to  be  a
          to recognise breed-specific virtues.               widespread problem. Sometimes I see loins that
                                                             are too long.
          Do you find the breed differs around the world,
          if so, how?                                        Temperaments are good, for the most part.
          I am mostly familiar with dogs in Europe and part
          of the USA.                                        Is  there  something  which  you  would  like  to
                                                             change in the breed?
          Australian Shepherds being a relatively new breed   No. It is the best breed in the world, and I found in
          to Europe, initially in the early 1990’s quality was   this breed all that I hoped, and more.
          all over the place. Dogs were shown in Europe
          that in the USA would be not considered show       I  love  that  there  is  some  variety  in  this  breed,
          prospects. That has changed, and the quality of    within the Standard. Everyone can find what they
          dogs in Europe is improving. There are several     like. You can literally do anything with our breed,
          breeders that have entered the breed and become    meaning all the competitive venues. The same dog
          very successful. We need to make sure that our     can compete in herding or sports event, and then
          dogs remain functional and in correct moderate     compete in the show ring.
          size and coat. Bigger is not better. More coat is
          not better.                                        Sometimes I wonder at the phrases that we should
                                                             “improve the breed”. Improve in what way? It is
          The  popularity  of  the  breed  in  Europe  has   just a phrase, but an important one, it becomes
          skyrocketed.  Proceed  with  caution.  Due  to  the   accepted as a rule and influences the mind-set
          COVID-19 pandemic and now due to the unjust        of breeders. But think about it. Maybe we should
          war that Russia started in Ukraine, the economy has   “preserve” the breed, and not “improve” it. I hope
          changed and is likely to continue changing. Many   we are not improving/changing the breed beyond
          people lost their jobs, or lost part of their income.   recognition.

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