Page 48 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 48


          Please now introduce yourself closer to our        Law at the University of Queensland, specializing
          readers.                                           in Private and Business Law.
          I  live  in  Queensland,  Australia  with  my  wife,
          Belinda and son Oliver who was born in January     We know your family bred Rough Collies – your
          this year.  Together we have been breeding and     parents still continue in breeding or Ochaye is
          showing Australian Shepherds for the past 10       now related only in Aussies?
          years.  Prior to Australian Shepherds, my family   Ochaye  is  now  only  related  to  Australian
          successfully  bred  and  showed  Rough  Collies,   Shepherds.  We sadly lost our last Rough Collie
          which is where our Kennel “OCHAYE” started. My     in 2018.  “Ochaye” was my family prefix for many
          mother bred arguably one of the greatest winning   years, when we began breeding the Collies. My
          Rough  Collies  of  all  time,  which  was  “Gr  Ch   parents started showing  Collies when I was 5,
          Ochaye My Blue Heaven”. Gainsborough achieved      after a family holiday to Scotland where we stayed
          around 30 Best in Show wins in his career and      at Culloden House. There were two fully coated
          over 100 Group 1st placings. I have been judging   Collies sitting by the fireplace and I just fell in love
          since I was 18 years of age and judging is no doubt   with the breed. When we returned to Australia
          something I am very passionate about. My other     my parents bought me a Collie (which we named
          hobbies include fly fishing and spending time with   Culloden).  “Ochaye” (our Kennel prefix) means
          my family and dogs. Professionally, I lecture in   “Ah yes” in the Scottish language. So the prefix

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