Page 50 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 50


                                                  The Australian Shepherd
                                                  should be a moderate breed.
          went  on  to  achieve
          over 25 Best in Show                    Having judged them in many
          awards,  including                      different countries, I feel that a
          multiple  Specialty  BIS
          awards.  We  have  also                 number of exhibits are getting
          campaigned two of the top               quite extreme
          winning American Imports
          to  come  to  Australia.  These
          two  dogs  achieved  a  Sydney
          Royal BIS and RUBIS respectively in
          consecutive years. I do not believe this
          has ever been achieved by another exhibitor (in
          any breed) in the Show’s history. I am also proud   You are successful handler too.  Can you tell us
          of the fact that we have achieved in excess of 90   about your greatest success as handler?
          x BIS (All Breeds and Specialty) with a variety    I have not personally handled our dogs for the
          of Australian Shepherds that we have bred or       past  few  years.    I  enjoy  focusing  more  on  the
          imported  and  campaigned.  Our  last  import      judging side of things, whilst Belinda focuses on
          was crowned Australia’s number one dog (All        the handling.  My proudest moments watching
          Breeds) in 2021. I am also proud to say that we    our dogs in the ring with Belinda would definitely
          have  represented  our  State  of  Queensland  3   be Best in Show at the Sydney Royal Dog Show
          times (with 3 different Australian Shepherds) at   followed up by Group Second at the World Dog
          the Top Dog Australia Competition.                 Show in China. This year, we are travelling to

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