Page 49 - Aussie Magazine - 2023 Issue 2
P. 49

has more of a sentimental connection to my Collie   vital to a breeding program. A dams’ real worth
            days and to my initial love of herding dogs.       is not in the show ring, but rather in what she
                                                               can produce in the whelping box. We believe the
            Can you tell to our readers on what lines have     combination of both a tightly bred pedigree and
            started your breeding? From which kennels did      the choosing of a dog that physically compliments
            you bought your first aussies?  Who was your       the dam is the key to breeding sound, healthy and
            mentor at the beginning?                           typey puppies.
            The commencement of any new breeding program
            is  extremely  important  and  really  lays  the   Who is the best example of the breed you have
            foundations for whether or not your kennel will    bred so far and why?
            be a success.  The process relies on the learning   Since  our  first  litter,  we  have  bred/co-bred
            and understanding of pedigrees and past dogs       20  Australian  Champions  and  3  Supreme
            that have impacted the breed.  We have been lucky   Champions.  We  have  also  titled  another  3
            to have a number of mentors both in Australia      Supreme  Champions,  with  a  further  2  of  our
            and  Internationally  who  have  helped  us  in  our   current show dogs, also nearing this title. I like to
            breeding program and trusted us with their dogs.   think we breed for quality, not quantity.  Probably
            In particular I would like to thank Judy Vandersteen   our  proudest  achievement  to  date  is  having
            and Kelton Hatton in the USA (Impacts Australian   bred Australia’s youngest Australian Shepherd
            Shepherds), Hunter Cong in China and Janne and     Supreme  Champion.  This  particular  male,
            Line Kronstam in Denmark for their trust, support   Optimus “Sup Ch Ochaye I Am Prime” attained
            and guidance along the way.                        the title at 17 months of age followed by our girl
                                                               Boo “Sup Ch Ochaye You Do You” then being the
            What do you like the most on breeding Aussies?     youngest female at just 20 months old. Optimus
            We both appreciate that the Aussie Shepherd is
            a very loving breed. We pride ourselves on the
            temperaments that we breed and we love being
            able to find the perfect homes and introduce new
            people to a wonderful life of being owned by an
            Australian Shepherd.

            What  is  the  most  important  for  you  in  the
            Temperament and soundness are the most
            important things.  Our experience of the
            Australian  Shepherd  is  that  they  are
            a very family orientated dog. All our
            dogs are part of the family and are                   Temperament and soundness
            both indoor and outdoor dogs. Our
            puppies  are  raised  in  the  house                 are the most important things.
            and we find that to get the best                  Our experience of the Australian
            out of them in the show ring,
            it is important to have them                      Shepherd is that they are a very
            included  as  part  of  the                   family orientated dog. All our dogs
            family rather than being
            kept  in  a  kennel.    We                    are part of the family and are both
            both  agree  that  a                                        indoor and outdoor dogs.
            well-bred dam with
            good conformation
            and  structure  is

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